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The Dead and Those About to Die: D-Day: The Big Red One at Omaha Beach Paperback – May 5, 2015
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Nicknamed the Big Red One, 1st Division had fought from North Africa to Sicily, earning a reputation as stalwart warriors on the front lines and rabble-rousers in the rear. Yet on D-Day, these jaded combat veterans melded with fresh-faced replacements to accomplish one of the most challenging and deadly missions ever. As the men hit the beach, their equipment destroyed or washed away, soldiers cut down by the dozens, courageous heroes emerged: men such as Sergeant Raymond Strojny, who grabbed a bazooka and engaged in a death duel with a fortified German antitank gun; T/5 Joe Pinder, a former minor-league pitcher who braved enemy fire to save a vital radio; Lieutenant John Spalding, a former sportswriter, and Sergeant Phil Streczyk, a truck driver, who together demolished a German strong point overlooking Easy Red, where hundreds of Americans had landed.
Along the way, McManus explores the Gap Assault Team engineers who dealt with the extensive mines and obstacles, suffering nearly a fifty percent casualty rate; highlights officers such as Brigadier General Willard Wyman and Colonel George Taylor, who led the way to victory; and punctures scores of myths surrounding this long-misunderstood battle.
The Dead and Those About to Die draws on a rich array of new or recently unearthed sources, including interviews with veterans. The result is history at its finest, the unforgettable story of the Big Red One’s nineteen hours of hell—and their ultimate triumph—on June 6, 1944.
- Print length400 pages
- LanguageEnglish
- PublisherPenguin Publishing Group
- Publication dateMay 5, 2015
- Dimensions6.03 x 0.89 x 9.01 inches
- ISBN-100451415302
- ISBN-13978-0451415301
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Editorial Reviews
“Magnificent! I could not put this book down. John McManus has expanded our knowledge of D-Day history by a considerable factor. It is a great read and will appeal to both devoted students of World War II as well as those with a more casual interest. Don't miss it!”—Joseph Balkoski, author of Omaha Beach and Utah Beach
“The Dead and Those About to Die is a gripping, first-hand account of the desperate battle for Omaha Beach on D-Day by the legendary 1st Infantry Division, the Big Red One. On the 70th anniversary of that momentous event, John C. McManus’s tale of courage under fire is a vivid reminder that freedom isn’t free and that when the chips are down stalwart American soldiers will always answer the call of duty.”—Carlo D’Este, author of Patton: A Genius For War and Warlord: A Life of Churchill at War, 1874-1945
“I closed this book with the deepest respect.”—Paul Kennedy, New York Times bestselling author of Engineers of Victory and The Rise and Fall of Great Powers
“This is as real as it gets without having been there.”—Walter R. Borneman, national bestselling author of The Admirals, Winner of the Samuel Eliot Morison Award
“John C. McManus has created a portrait with words as Spielberg did with images in Saving Private Ryan. Of course, creating such a vivid picture with words is, for my money, far more difficult.”—Paul Reid, co–author of The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill, Defender of the Realm, 1940-1965
“A skilled and highly talented author, John McManus has delivered another first-rate piece of scholarship. The Dead and Those About to Die is a tour de force of historical writing.”—Robert von Maier, Editor-in-Chief of Global War Studies
“McManus’s masterful work deserves a place alongside those of Cornelius Ryan, Stephen Ambrose and Rick Atkinson.”—David L. Roll, author of The Hopkins Touch
“John McManus’s brilliant chronicle of the Big Red One’s experience on Bloody Omaha captures the grit, pathos, and valor of the battle like no other book that I have read. This is gripping history—beautifully and masterfully told by one of America’s premier historians.”—Patrick K. O’Donnell, national bestselling author of Dog Company
“[A] powerful book.”—St. Louis Post–Dispatch
About the Author
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1
Seven months earlier, almost to the day, a gloomy autumn mist blanketed the docks of Liverpool. The early November air was chilly but crisp and invigorating. By the thousands, soldiers of the 1st Infantry Division, many of whom were hard-core survivors of bitter fighting in North Africa and Sicily, descended wooden gangways and set foot upon the venerable soil of England. A band played "Dixie," followed by "The Sidewalks of New York." As the soldiers made their way to troop trains, a bevy of sharply contrasting emotions pervaded their ranks. Some were just happy to be out of combat. Many daydreamed about the pleasures Britain offered-pubs, beer, liquor, sightseeing, shelter, running water, but most of all, women. Some of those who had been with the division during its pre-combat training in Britain the year before looked forward to renewing acquaintances with British friends. In several instances, men were so excited that they let out spontaneous whoops of joy. "You can imagine the crescendo that crushed the ears of all within miles," Captain Joe Dawson, a company commander, wrote to his family in an attempt to describe the exaltation of his men.
But there was an undercurrent of tension and gloom, too. The return to England could only mean one thing: the Big Red One was returning to combat, probably in the forthcoming invasion of Hitler's Europe. After nearly a year of fighting, and a slew of victories in the Mediterranean theater, many of the soldiers felt they had earned the right to go home. Already fiercely proud of their outfit, and resentful of most outside authority, they had developed a cynical world-weariness that, for some, bordered on self-pity. After the Sicily campaign, hopeful rumors had spread that the division would be rotated back to the States to train new recruits. When the men boarded ships and found out they were heading to England, and thus eventually back to action, "it caused," in the recollection of one rifleman, "a lot of trouble among the soldiers, a lot of unrest and anger." For Lieutenant John Downing and his men, "the hope of going to the States . . . died hard. We could be sure . . . if we didn't go home this time, we wouldn't go home until the end of the war."
Many of the veterans felt this was unfair and unnecessary. They complained bitterly about the idea of going back into combat. After all, they had been fortunate enough to survive to this point; more prolonged action almost certainly meant that their chances of survival would be diminished. A man could evade the law of averages only so long before his luck ran out. "Their feeling was there must be other infantry units in the United States Army that could be utilized in the assault on Western Europe," Private Steve Kellman explained. There were, of course, other units, but none quite like the Big Red One. The division's experience in amphibious assaults made it indispensable to invasion planners (not to mention its familiarity in the very sort of town fighting, river crossings, mountain fighting, and combined arms maneuver warfare that would follow in the months after the invasion). Among the American infantry divisions available for the coming invasion of Omaha beach, none had actually assaulted a hostile shore. Lieutenant General Omar Bradley, commander of the First Army, with control over all U.S. ground forces in the coming invasion, knew this all too well. "Although I disliked subjecting the 1st to still another major landing," he wrote, "I felt that as commander I had no other choice. My job was to get ashore, establish a lodgment, and destroy the German. In the accomplishment of that mission, there was little room for the niceties of justice. I felt compelled to employ the best troops I had. As a result the division that deserved compassion as a reward for its previous ordeals now became the inevitable choice for our most difficult job." In essence, they could not be spared. The task ahead was far too important and far too challenging.
At Liverpool, the troops boarded trains that took them to southern England, where they would settle in and begin a new round of training. Many were miffed at the standing order to remove, for reasons of secrecy, shoulder patches and all other indicators of their unit affiliation. The lack of identifying unit insignia made them look like newly arrived stateside replacements instead of proud combat veterans. It seemed a direct affront to their pride and status. Lieutenant Colonel Jimmy Wright, the division quartermaster, was so incensed at the order that he simply refused to follow it. Military police caught him, wrote him up, and referred his case to the First Army Provost Marshal. His defiance eventually evaporated, but only after the threat of a court-martial. He and thousands of other like-minded veterans grumbled, but swallowed their pride and complied with the order.
Even worse, in the view of many Big Red One soldiers, was something else that had happened near the end of the Sicily campaign. Bradley had decided to relieve Major General Terry de la Mesa Allen, the 1st Division's popular and colorful commanding officer. Allen was a soldier's soldier, a down-to-earth cavalryman who loved polo, whiskey, and earthy language. The son of a West Point graduate and the grandson of a Civil War officer, he was born to be a soldier. As a young man, Allen had washed out of West Point because of his independent nature and maverick tendencies, a dismissal that must have smarted for the scion of such a distinguished military family. True to his resilient nature, though, he rebounded from the setback to earn a degree from the Catholic University of America and a subsequent Regular Army commission. Allen's personality meshed perfectly with the independent professionalism of the 1st Infantry Division.
In combat, he was the embodiment of an inspirational commander-courageous, relentless, and energetic-the sort of general who circulated easily among subordinates from the lowest-ranking private to staff officers. On the Tunisian front, he had made a point of regularly visiting the forward positions and speaking to each man personally. "There is nothing that is more inspiring than to have a general walking about the front lines when the bullets are flying, talking with the men," one of his aides wrote about him in a letter home. "He doesn't know what the word fear is and he is just like a hypodermic to the men of his command."
He had little patience for niceties. In action, he dressed in a simple, rumpled olive-drab uniform, helmet often askew or at his side, smoking cigarettes, grinning, tossing around one-liners. He was a natural backslapper and storyteller. He enjoyed an easy familiarity with his men, yet he managed to maintain a strong command presence. Almost everyone who served in the 1st had encountered him firsthand and had come to love him, in part because of his magnetic personality, in part because of his competence, but mostly because of his obvious concern for their welfare. "Do your job," he once told his division. "We don't want . . . dead heroes. We're not out for glory. We're here to do a dirty, stinking job." Over the many months of combat in North Africa and Sicily, he had inculcated an aggressive spirit in his division. True to his cavalry roots, he believed in swift maneuvers, slash and dash, night attacks and esprit de corps.
He cared little for his own promotion or his postwar military career. Command of the unit was the limit of his ambition. The men sensed that they were his first priority, and they loved him for it. "General Allen was loved by his soldiers because he really cared about them," Corporal Sam Fuller once wrote. "He didn't give a damn about playing politics or being famous." Allen had no tolerance for anyone who messed with his boys, whether that meant the Germans or higher command. In combat, this attitude contributed to success, but when the unit was off the line, it sometimes led to disciplinary problems. In the Mediterranean, the 1st earned a reputation as a hard-fighting outfit on the line, but a hard-drinking, rebellious, troublemaking group away from combat, contemptuous of rear-echelon troops, higher authority, and, for that matter, anyone who wasn't affiliated with the division. Allen seemed not only to tolerate this attitude but to encourage it, at least in the view of Bradley, George Patton, Dwight Eisenhower, and other senior officers in the theater. The most notorious example occurred in the spring of 1943, after the Tunisia campaign. The combat-weary men of the division yearned to visit the bars and brothels of Oran, a city they had actually captured during the initial invasion of North Africa back in the fall of 1942. However, only soldiers in rear-echelon-style khaki uniforms were allowed into the city. The Big Red One soldiers were still clothed in the same filthy olive-drab wool uniforms they had worn all winter during the hard fighting among the hills of Tunisia. The combat men felt that if anyone should enjoy the pleasures of Oran, it should be the front-line soldiers who routinely risked their lives. Therefore, they deeply resented being excluded from the city at the expense of the "typewriter commandos," as they often referred to the service troops.
Allen was clearly sympathetic to the views of his men. He defied the off-limits order and issued passes for his soldiers to enjoy some R&R in the city. A substantial amount of brawling, drinking, and mayhem ensued, involving both officers and enlisted men. "I can still remember the feeling I had when I landed a punch to some fat major's belly," Captain Edward Kuehn said. "We had taken Oran before, and we had lost a lot of good men doing it. Rearguard troops were not going to keep us from taking it this time, either." When Patton complained to Allen about the behavior of his soldiers, and demanded that he rein them in, Allen backed them to the hilt. "The troops have been in the line for six goddamned months," he exclaimed. "Let them celebrate getting back alive. It will stop soon." This was a revealing reaction and decision on Allen's part. A more career-conscious officer would have been eager to do the bidding of his superiors, regardless of what his men might have thought about that. Allen was different. Certainly his soldiers came first on his list of priorities, but perhaps he was also eager to remain popular among them even if that meant alienating the higher-ups.
In the view of senior officers, the Oran clashes represented more than just the usual tension between combat soldiers and rear-echelon types. Bradley, for instance, came to believe that a distinct whiff of parochialism, self-pity, and disregard for discipline and the chain of command emanated from the Big Red One. The soldiers had become a little too loyal to Allen and his equally charismatic assistant division commander, Ted Roosevelt, son of the former president. "Roosevelt was too much like Allen," Bradley wrote. "They looked upon discipline as an unwelcome crutch to be used by less able and personable commanders." The intense loyalty the troops held for these two generals was, in Bradley's estimation, coming at the expense of the greater loyalty soldiers owed to the Army as a whole. "Under Allen the 1st Division had become increasingly temperamental, disdainful of both regulations and senior commands," Bradley wrote. "It thought itself exempt from the need for discipline by virtue of its months on the line. And it believed itself the only division carrying its fair share of the war. Allen had become too much of an individualist to submerge himself without friction in the group undertakings of war." For the low-key Bradley, a duty-first man who disdained talented mavericks and nonconformity as a whole, the only sensible course of action was to remove Allen. In August 1943, near the end of the Sicily campaign, he fired him. Roosevelt also got the ax, in part because Bradley felt that he, too, had failed to enforce proper discipline and also because "Allen . . . would feel deeply hurt if he were to leave the division and Roosevelt were to remain." Both Patton and Eisenhower concurred with the decision.
Word of the firings hit the division like a sledgehammer. It was hard for the men to understand why such a successful commander had been cashiered. Some were resentful over Allen's relief; their bitterness hardened into anger at the brass and, ironically, an even more insular attitude about their division's greatness and the uselessness of all outsiders. Those who were a bit more even-tempered, like Lieutenant John Downing, simply thought of it as "a bad omen. If a new general took command, we could be sure we would continue on somewhere in combat." These suppositions were, of course, absolutely correct. Other men were simply mystified or sad. "He was the best liked commander that we ever had," Captain Charles Murphy, a company commander, told an interviewer decades later. On the evening Allen left to go home, Captain Dawson, who had worked closely with him, wrote to his family about the melancholy mood that pervaded the ranks: "Terry left tonight, and with him went a record unequaled by any general officer in the divisions of the U.S. Army. We've been through a lot and we all feel keenly sad about his going."
Under these circumstances, a lot was riding on Bradley's selection of a replacement for Allen. Fortunately, he made a very wise choice in Major General Clarence Huebner, a man whose personality could hardly have been more different from Allen's, but whose competence and courage were every bit his equal. Whereas Allen was born to soldiering, Huebner was drawn to it. While Allen's success was a testament to resilience and charisma, Huebner's was a testament to the Army's culture of meritocracy (at least for white men). Born to a non-military Kansas wheat-farming family, Huebner was educated in a one-room school of the sort that pervaded frontier lore. Hardened by an outdoor life of farm chores, he was an athletic youth, though he was only of medium build and height. He played football, baseball, and basketball in high school. During track season, he was a pole-vaulter. At the age of twenty, with a high school diploma to his credit, he went to work as a railroad secretary. He had no desire to spend his life as a clerk, though. In 1910 he left the job and decided to join the Army, enlisting as a cook in the 18th Infantry Regiment, a unit that became part of the 1st Division seven years later. Huebner discovered that he was a natural soldier. Over the next seven years, he rocketed from private to master sergeant. In 1916, he passed a competitive examination to become an officer and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in November of that year. By the time the division deployed to France in the spring of 1917, he was a first lieutenant. His combat record in World War I was one of the finest of that or any other war. In eighteen months of frontline leadership, he rose from a first lieutenant, leading a platoon, to a lieutenant colonel, leading a regiment at the tender age of thirty. He earned the Distinguished Service Cross, the nation's second-highest award for valor, as well as the Distinguished Service Medal, for outstanding service. He also received a Silver Star, the Purple Heart (for a bad shrapnel wound above his right eye during the Battle of Soissons) and numerous French decorations. Huebner's success as a commander came from personal bravery, his calm demeanor, and a keen intelligence. After the war he served in a variety of battalion and regimental commands, within the 1st Division and other outfits. He also attended numerous Army training schools including the Command and General Staff School and the Army War College. By the summer of 1943, the fifty-five-year-old Huebner was a two-star general serving on British Field Marshal Harold Alexander's Fifteenth Army Group staff in the Mediterranean theater. His hair had thinned out and gone gray, but his square jaw and bright blue eyes hinted at a remnant of youth.
Product details
- Publisher : Penguin Publishing Group; Reprint edition (May 5, 2015)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 400 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0451415302
- ISBN-13 : 978-0451415301
- Item Weight : 13.6 ounces
- Dimensions : 6.03 x 0.89 x 9.01 inches
- Best Sellers Rank: #269,199 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
- #310 in French History (Books)
- #2,028 in American Military History
- #2,279 in World War II History (Books)
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Customers find the book easy to read and understandable. They appreciate the detailed analysis and rich descriptions of the American troops landing at Omaha Beach on D-Day. The writing quality is praised as well-written and close to Ambrose's style. The visual quality is described as great and intricately woven pattern of attention to detail. Customers find the details interesting and eye-opening, with gritty accounts and personal experiences.
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Customers find the book engaging and well-written. They describe it as an excellent account of the D-Day landings, a must-read for students and those interested in learning about the battle. The author does a good job describing the horrors faced by soldiers.
"...This is a first-rate book. Author John McManus does an exemplary job of describing the events of June 6, 1944...." Read more
"...A great book to add to one's library...." Read more
"...Those About to Die" will take its place as one of the finest books written about D-Day." Read more
"This book is a good book and well worth reading. We owe it to those brave men who fought at Omaha Beach to remember what they did...." Read more
Customers enjoy the story's narrative. They find the author's description of combat vivid and detailed, with an in-depth microhistory of one of the most seminal turning points in WWII. The book is described as a well-researched historical documentary of the invasion, enhanced by personal accounts. It is a must-read for military history buffs, especially those interested in the first few hours of the landing.
"...This book describes the major event in the European War and how the fighting spirit of the American soldier helped to liberate Europe." Read more
"...from German Army archives, McManus does a magnificent job recounting the extraordinary fight in the Easy Red sector of Omaha Beach...." Read more
"The author has done an admirable job of telling the story of the Big Red One at Omaha Beach...." Read more
"...Many individual heroics are depicted - individuals turn into groups/squads/platoons and so on...." Read more
Customers appreciate the book's depth. They find it well-researched, with rich descriptions and context. The book provides an in-depth analysis of the planning and execution of the invasion.
"...In this well-researched book, author John McManus takes the reader back to that defining day seventy years ago...." Read more
"...John McManus knocks the cover off the ball with his thoroughly researched and easy-to-read account of the storied First Infantry Division's..." Read more
"...While the information was quite good and an important part of the story to be told, t did feel a little out of place in the book to me...." Read more
"...all walks of life, and all social backgrounds-who, as a result of intense training, inspirational leadership, and indomitable will, accomplished the..." Read more
Customers find the book well-written and easy to read. They appreciate the author's reporting style and the use of easily understood maps to follow the process of an assault.
"...the cover off the ball with his thoroughly researched and easy-to-read account of the storied First Infantry Division's amphibious assault on Omaha..." Read more
"...He uses easily understood maps to let the reader follow the process of an absolutely chaotic day. A great book to add to one's library...." Read more
"Good book very easy to read like the detail and where every nod was at also the detail of equipment" Read more
"...Quite an effort to form sense out of total chaos. It's an easy read, colorful, somewhat bloody, of course." Read more
Customers find the book's visual quality great. They appreciate the author's depiction of what really happened on D-Day, with an intricately woven pattern of attention to detail. The maps are nice, and the presentation is flawless. The book is colorful, heart-ripping, and poetic at times, portraying the terror vividly.
"...And, his calm, clear-headed personal example did just that – inspired the troopers to overcome their shock at the sights, sounds, and even smells of..." Read more
"...Rather his focus is on D-Day, and the author paints a powerful portrait of the scene on June 6, 1944...." Read more
"Intensely graphic, in-depth micro-history of one of the most seminal turning points of the Twentieth Century...." Read more
"...Best to view them on a tablet. Characters are human, complete souls, not composites as in so many war stories...." Read more
Customers find the book engaging and eye-opening. They say it's a moving account of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. The book is detailed but not boring, and readers enjoy reading it.
"Excellent account of the 1st Division leading up and participating in the D-Day action...." Read more
"...examined his sources, and he writes in an interesting and engaging manner...." Read more
"...author follows the action with painstaking detail without creating tedium or fatigue in the reader...." Read more
"...Startlingly realistic and eye-opening - Being in the AAF, I had NO idea of the mess down below...." Read more
Customers find the book's personal accounts of the battle for Omaha Beach engaging. They appreciate the gritty details and human perspective provided by first-hand accounts. The book offers a good mix of history and first-person accounts drawn from after action.
"...accurate, very personal, extremely moving......" Read more
"...The specifics about certain individuals helped to make this a very human account of their sacrifices during the war, and how many paid the ultimate..." Read more
"A very personal, down to the minute account of the men who fought and died on the beach at D Day...." Read more
"...Very good mixture of personal accounts and historical records. One of the really outstanding things I liked about this book was the footnotes...." Read more
Customers appreciate the book's pacing. They mention it's timely and well-paced, with little time spent on the build-up to the invasion.
"...I really appreciate the fact that he spent very little time on the build-up to the invasion. That story has been told countless times...." Read more
"...the enemy" is well documented and illustrated in this rapid and engrossing read...." Read more
"Well written and a fast read. I found it hard to put down at times." Read more
"...anniversary of the invasion coming up in a few days this is a very timely read...." Read more
Top reviews from the United States
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- Reviewed in the United States on May 20, 2014On June 6, 1944, the Allies launched the cross-channel invasion of France. Spearheading the attack on Omaha Beach was the U.S. Army's 1st Infantry Division. In this well-researched book, author John McManus takes the reader back to that defining day seventy years ago.
From the outset, problems beset the members of the 1st Division. Landing craft dropped the soldiers in the wrong spot; men were forced to wade ashore under withering enemy fire; and men and vehicles became congested on the beach. The Germans controlled the high ground around the beach as well as several strong points armed with mortars, anti-tank guns, and pillboxes. These strong points rained bullets and shells upon the Americans.
Faced with the difficult task of getting off the beach and inland, the soldiers, led by outstanding acts of individual heroism, slowly began to move. But the going was slow. It took hours to neutralize the German strong points, but eventually, the men of The Big Red One began to move inland.
This is a first-rate book. Author John McManus does an exemplary job of describing the events of June 6, 1944. The narrative contains quotes from the soldiers themselves which gives the reader a true sense of what conditions were like on Omaha Beach. Each aspect of the landing is covered; from the terrible trip to shore aboard the Higgins boats to trying to get off the beach, to finally moving inland.
I give "The Dead And Those About To Die" my highest recommendation. This book describes the major event in the European War and how the fighting spirit of the American soldier helped to liberate Europe.
- Reviewed in the United States on August 2, 2020"Of every one hundred men in battle, ten should not even be there. Eighty are nothing but targets. Nine are the real fighters; we are lucky to have them since they make the battle. Ah, but the one - one is the Warrior - and he brings the others home." - Heraclitus of Ephesus, 500 B.C.
John McManus knocks the cover off the ball with his thoroughly researched and easy-to-read account of the storied First Infantry Division's amphibious assault on Omaha Beach. Journal accounts and U.S. Army after-action reports shed further light on the exploits of a cadre of valiant Americans crashing through the Wehrmacht defense and its heavily fortified series of strongpoints overlooking the Allies' landing sites at Normandy. Focusing on the Big Red One's assigned sector of Omaha, McManus offers the inside story of how American forces were able to secure a beachhead that momentous day in June of 1944.
With names like 'Streczyk,' 'Richmond,' 'Pinder,' 'Strojny,' and 'Spalding,' courageous Big Red One Soldiers fought for a toehold on Easy Red beach. They negotiated a labyrinthine network of obstacles and mines one obstacle after another while taking withering fire from weapons of virtually every range and caliber. The Dead and Those About to Die is also the story of how the leaders of the First Infantry Division – Huebner, Wyman, Taylor, Richmond, and Monteith among them – established themselves in the U.S. Army's pantheon of heroes.
Major General Clarence Huebner, the Division Commander, brought further tempering to the battle-hardened First Division G.I.s while training them in England in preparation for what would prove to be the pinnacle of beach landings in WWII’s European theater. Long days of training would serve the Big Red One Soldiers well as they fought ferociously to get off Easy Red. Leadership won the day, however, as men such as Captain Kimball Richmond, a courageous combat officer of the first order, pushed forward through the nearly impregnable Wehrmacht defenses. Setting the example for the enlisted troopers is what Richmond did best. His leadership, and that of other First Division leaders, made all the difference in overcoming hardened Wehrmacht ramparts and superior firepower.
For his part, Colonel George Taylor, 16th Infantry Regimental Commander, recognizing that the key to success in amphibious operations is pushing through the initial shock and fear that causes men to freeze upon hitting the beach, led from the front. Upon landing, Colonel Taylor knew that his priority had to be getting the men moving off the shore. And, his calm, clear-headed personal example did just that – inspired the troopers to overcome their shock at the sights, sounds, and even smells of pitched battle, and fight on to their first-day objectives. Ultimately, his rallying cry, "There are only two kinds of men on this beach, those who are dead and those who are about to die. Let's get the hell out of here!" inspired the men of the Big Red One, drove them into the heart of the Wehrmacht's fortifications, and saved countless lives.
Through his extensive research, including records retrieved from German Army archives, McManus does a magnificent job recounting the extraordinary fight in the Easy Red sector of Omaha Beach. As well, he reinforces his accounts of heroic actions with quotes from those who observed them firsthand. The survivors acknowledge in their statements that they fought first and foremost for the man on their left and right.
The First Infantry Division accomplished the seemingly impossible. Despite a dug-in, hardened Wehrmacht coastal bulwark consisting of trenches, pillboxes, and casemates, as well as artillery, deployed in-depth, the heavily contested landing on Easy Red succeeded. Though the assault force lacked tanks in numbers sufficient to provide much-needed support to the Big Red One infantryman, he still found a way to win. Without a doubt, the First Division medics and Navy corpsmen struggling to sustain life amid horrific injury while remaining exposed to plunging fire from machine guns and a steady barrage of artillery shells, leave the reader in awe.
The Dead and Those About to Die ultimately reminds us that we, as Americans, owe a debt of gratitude to those Heraclitus refers to in his famous quote. Take Technical Sergeant Phil Streczyk, an E Company, 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry Soldier, inarguably one of the true heroes of the Normandy beaches, for instance. Streczyk remarkably broke through the Wehrmacht defense, attacked the enemy fortifications from the rear, cleared out trenches and pillboxes, and took prisoners. He received the Silver Star four times as a Big Red One Soldier serving in multiple campaigns in Tunisia, Sicily, and France. He earned the Distinguished Service Cross for his gallantry on Easy Red and farther inland. It is Soldiers like Streczyk who indeed "bring the others home."
Finally, the officers and men of the Big Red One landing at Omaha Beach left a legacy of courage that contemporary Big Red One Soldiers strive to honor still today. It is worth the price of this book to understand why.
5 Stars!
- Reviewed in the United States on June 19, 2017The author has done an admirable job of telling the story of the Big Red One at Omaha Beach. I really appreciate the fact that he spent very little time on the build-up to the invasion. That story has been told countless times. Rather his focus is on D-Day, and the author paints a powerful portrait of the scene on June 6, 1944. Of all the books on D-Day that I've read this one most vividly captures the fear of the men heading in to the beach. It's powerful. The challenge for the author is to tell a coherent narrative in the midst of a battlefield that was utter chaos. He mostly succeeds in my view, as a multitude of personal accounts are woven in and are generally in chronological order. Toward the end of the book the author devoted a number of pages to the engineers and medics. While the information was quite good and an important part of the story to be told, t did feel a little out of place in the book to me.
I do recommend this book and it really has added to my understanding of that day of days. Kudos to the author and may God bless all who have served or are serving in the Big Red One. What we owe them is incalculable.
- Reviewed in the United States on May 9, 2014Wow! Could not put it down. Amazing 1st count interviews of what it was like to be at bloody Omaha. John paints the words into the minds eye so the reader can envision the sights and sounds of what it must have been like. Many individual heroics are depicted - individuals turn into groups/squads/platoons and so on. The training kicks in and the soldiers begin to dthings for the good of the cause. To use a well touted phrase - uncommon valor was common on Omaha.
The author uses the KISS principle in breaking down the invasion of the Big Red One. He uses easily understood maps to let the reader follow the process of an absolutely chaotic day. A great book to add to one's library.
The author touches on all facets of the invasion plan - training, D-day, reinforcements, support and weaves them into a cohesive read that lets the reader know all the things that went into the invasion plus all the things that went wrong - but more importantly how a few men brought order to a precarious situation.
Top reviews from other countries
- Amazon CustomerReviewed in the United Kingdom on February 17, 2025
5.0 out of 5 stars Focused and Specific History
Having attended a talk given previously by John McManus at the D-Day Story Museum it was clear he can paint a picture with words and this book does not disappoint. Involving and well paced it is a book you cannot put down, not something you often say about history books.
jean-claude lambertReviewed in France on July 4, 2019
5.0 out of 5 stars A lire absolument
Livre remarquable pour ses qualités historiques , son sens du détail et sa description de l’importance de l’élément humain
dans les terribles premières heures
- Dave the RaveReviewed in Canada on July 15, 2014
3.0 out of 5 stars D-Day okay but no big deal
Too dull, too routine even for an account of death and destruction. I found very little that was new and almost no attempt to embed the description in anything else that was happening.
So it was okay for a summer read on the annivesary of D-Day but I do not think that it will stand out over time.
GKlReviewed in Germany on December 10, 2015
3.0 out of 5 stars Detailliert, aber wenig Neues
Aktuelles Buch aber wenig Neues - aber was soll auch nach so langer Zeit noch zu einem Thema geschrieben werden, das in epischer Breite von vielen auch sehr angesehenen Historikern behandelt wurde?
McManus beschränkt sich allerdings auf den Abschnitt der "Big Red One." So behält man als Leser etwas besser den Überblick als bei den umfassenderen Werken von Balkowski und anderen. Wobei "Omaha" von Balkowski nach wie vor der Stand der Dinge bei der Literatur über "Omaha" bleibt.
Lesenswert und informativ ist das Buch aber allemal!
- Silent KReviewed in Australia on September 17, 2014
5.0 out of 5 stars Great account. It was a butcher shop and makes ...
Great account. It was a butcher shop and makes Private Ryan - the first 20 minutes - look like a walk in the park.