'Dead for us': Father of Indian woman Anju amid reports of her marriage with Pak friend

Anju, an Indian woman, crossed the border on July 23 to marry her Pakistani friend Nasrullah. Her father has now said that she was dead for them. Anju was already married while she was in India and had a 15-year-old daughter and a 6-year-old son.

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When asked in case Anju returns to India after her visa expires, her father said it did not matter to him even if she died.

"She is dead to us. I have nothing to do with her," said Anju's father. Anju has legally travelled to a remote village in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and reportedly converted to Islam and married her Pakistani lover, Nasrullah. She is said to have changed her name to Fatima now.

“She is dead to us. I don’t have any updates about her and she can do anything as we have nothing to do with her. I have not talked to her for the past one year,” said Anju’s father.


“How can I have a bond with a woman who not only left her husband but also her children?” he asked.

When asked what if Anju were to return to India after her visa expires, her father said it "did not matter even if she died".

Anju's father, a resident of Tekanpur in Madhya Pradesh, had earlier claimed she was "mentally disturbed and eccentric" but not involved in any affair. He also said it was wrong on her part to have gone to Pakistan without informing her family members.

Pakistan's Malakand Division Deputy Inspector General Nasir Mehmood Satti confirmed the nikkah of Anju (35) and Nasrullah (29) stating that she had changed her name to Fatima after converting to Islam.

According to police, the couple appeared in a district court in Dir Bala in the presence of family members of Nasrullah, police personnel and lawyers.

For security reasons, the woman was escorted to her in-law's home from court by the police.

Anju was already married while in India. Anju's husband Arvind, who is in Rajasthan, was hopeful that his wife would return soon. They have a 15-year-old daughter and a six-year-old son.

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