This Gut-Wrenching Video Shows What a World Without Planned Parenthood Would Be Like

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Planned Parenthood is celebrating 100 years of providing essential health care and education to those who need it. Still, the healthcare centers face constant attacks from anti-abortion activists and others who want to see Planned Parenthood shut down. With the recent vote to repeal Obamacare with the American Health Care Act, Planned Parenthood is likely to face even more of an uphill battle.

Joss Whedon, the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, and director of The Avengers, is a vocal supporter of Planned Parenthood. He teamed up with them to produce and underwrite the short film Unlocked, which sheds light on the important (and diverse) role the healthcare centers play in the lives of millions of women.

Unlocked follows three women facing "critical moments in their lives," and invites viewers to envision the (terrifying) prospect of what the world would look like if the healthcare centers did indeed close their doors for good. The characters in the film are fictional, but the inspiration for them comes from real issues and collaboration with Planned Parenthood staff.

"Unlocked is about what a world without Planned Parenthood would look like, which is truly dire," said Joss Whedon. "I didn't understand how many services they — and for some, they alone — provide. For so many, there's an obvious tipping point between hope and despair. Planned Parenthood is a beacon of hope, and anyone trying to shut it down is committing an act of evil. It's not just inhumane — it's inhuman. I just wanted to remind those of us with some humanity still stirring how much is at stake."

Watch the powerful video ahead to see what's at stake.