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  • my life in the kitchen: 

    50% pining after really complicated recipes with a million expensive ingredients you need ¼ of a teaspoon of, like saffron plucked from the very summit of a Himalayan peak in the fall at 6:34 pm
    25% “this is what I could make with what I had in my Closet of Random Ingredients" 
    10% "while making this I am a well-oiled machine, my mise en place is exquisite and i know all the steps because i’ve done it a million times" 
    10% "I can make this while playing WoW" 
    5% actually trying new things that are reasonable to make, sophisticated without being overly récherché, with ingredients that are actually easy to get

  • 6 years ago on June 09, 2017 at 6:04 pm

    original post
    10 notes
    1. elucubrare posted this
    &. lilac theme by seyche