18 Things Kendall Jenner Said While Wearing This Outfit

    Fannypack queen.

    1. "Hi, Nancy, it's Shelly. Call me back when you can."

    2. "Pull up your pants, young man!"

    3. "Because I said so."

    4. "Did you take the chicken out of the freezer?"

    5. *"Timber" plays* "I love this song. Is this Justin Bieber?"

    6. "I've just got to stop into Yankee Candle and then I'll be home."

    7. "How am I supposed to read the menu if it's so dark in here?"

    8. "Anderson Cooper is gay?!?"

    9. "Don't step in my pile!!!"

    10. "I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it."

    11. "Where's my change?"

    12. "Who's BuzzFeed and how do I get them off my Facebook?"

    13. "Who deleted my TiVo of Gilmore Girls?"

    14. "Oh darn, I lost my scrunchie."

    15. "It's chilly in here. They should really turn off the air conditioning."

    16. "Hi, which way to Times Square?"

    17. "Let me speak to your manager."

    18. "Hi, I'm Kendall Jenner, and I look hot even if I'm dressed like your mom in that family photo album from 1993."