Overwatch news: Doomfist and Summer Games 2017 discovered as fans scour new update
OVERWATCH NEWS this week includes more evidence that Doomfist will be the next character added to the game, and it all stems from the game’s latest update and patch notes.
If the past six weeks hadn’t been exciting enough for Overwatch fans, it appears that Blizzard might have some more big news on the horizon.
Having seen a big anniversary update drop, followed by a new map based on the moon, it appears that the development team might also be ready to launch a new hero.
And now just any hero.
It appears that the fabled Overwatch Doomfist character might actually be being launched in the near future, alongside the Summer Games 2017 event.
For anyone who hasn’t been following the tale of Doomfist, there have been many false dawns and wrong directions that have left fans without the big launch.
The release of Orisa earlier this year was originally connected to Doomfist, while fans have even been linking the Gorilla Hammond - a character revealed via the recent Horizon Lunar Colony map - as a possible candidate.
They can as well, due to Doomfist actually being a collection of characters from the game’s lore.
The power of the character stems from a gauntlet, which has been featured on certain maps, before apparently being removed as part of Orisa’s launch.
As part of the game’s official lore, the Doomfist Gauntlet was actually stolen from its home on Numbani.
And while things have quietened down about Doomfist recently, the most recent Overwatch update for the PTR servers has reignited fan interest again.
The latest data mining efforts have apparently discovered more evidence that a new hero is going to be added to the game.
“On the PTR, there is a new .075 file. This type of file contains information about heroes, such as their name and abilities,” redditor Ethanciavo explains.
“We can't view what this new file is, but its existence suggests that there is a new hero coming. This goes along with the recent crash log that names 1.13 as the "Doomfist/Summer Games" update. (Credit to Battle.net user bax42 for this discovery). So this new file is likely information about Doomfist.”
The crashlogs are a reference to the current PTR build’s error messages, that hold technical information to help the Blizzard team try and weed out problems.
And the current build is reportedly named: “Overwatch - Doomfist/Summer Games”.
This would appear to be a deliberate tease from the team at Blizzard, who will know full well that fans will be scouring over all the new data available to them.
Game director Jeff Kaplan has already confirmed that development on Overwatch’s 25th hero has been in the works for sometime, meaning a new release might not be far away.