New IndyCars Are Ridiculously Pretty

Michael Accardi
by Michael Accardi

The Verizon IndyCar Series is going to be a whole lot prettier next year.

The series released the latest batch of renders this week for its reworked Dallara DW12 chassis in both speedway and circuit configurations. This design is extremely close to production.

Gone are the brutal and bulky rear pods first introduced in 2012. Instead, the series is transitioning to a more minimalist and avant-garde shape for 2018 along with a unified aero kit, doing away with the manufacturer specific bodywork used since 2015.

Teams will still get to choose between Chevrolet and Honda engines.

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The speedway body kit features a totally trimmed out rear wing and skimpy front elements that should help the cars run even closer together on ovals like Texas Motor Speedway, there’s also a large hole at the leading edge of the floor on either side of the driver that should help cars stick to the track surface at speeds in excess of 200 mph.

In road course configuration, the aero kit retains some familiarity with aggressive triple-elements present on both the front and rear wings.

Other notable changes include adjustments to the side pods and engine cover, which should help channel air better around the car’s back half and generate more downforce than ever before.

It’s unclear who will supply the spec aero kits next year, but the series did say the new cars are expected to begin testing at a variety of tracks this summer before entering service next season.

A version of this story originally appeared on GM Inside News

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Michael Accardi
Michael Accardi

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