17 Pictures Every Woman Will Recognize And Hate

    This is our struggle.

    1. When you can't decide if you're more pissed off about the mess, or what a waste this situation is:

    2. Or worse yet, when it happens in your bag instead of the sink.

    3. When you refuse to give up on shoes that were expensive.

    4. When you ask a dude to bring you tampons from the supermarket...

    5. Wearing a skirt just after shaving your legs.

    6. And when the weather gets warmer and you just want to wax your whole body head to toe.

    7. Or this OUTRAGE:

    8. That minor tragedy that occurs the moment you walk out of the house in pantyhose.

    9. It's truly a love/hate relationship when it comes to these things:

    10. When you're painting your nails and it looks like you're a forensic scientist who just finished cleaning up a crime scene.

    11. Or when you removed your black polish two days ago and you're still dealing with this:

    12. When you thought that breaking down in tears was bad enough, but then you look in the mirror and see this:

    13. When that "fashion statement" you were making left its mark on you for the rest of the summer.

    14. When you realize that brushing your hair is harder than any Strongman competition you've ever seen.

    15. When your cat chooses this spot to settle down for a nap:

    16. When this happens after a quick nap:

    17. And at the end of the day, after everything else you had to put up with, opening up your purse and dealing with all this:

    This post was translated from Portuguese.