Making a delicious Apple Martini is super easy. Adding garnishes, such as sour patch kids candies, apple jolly ranchers, caramels, or apples can add a tasty, unique touch! Follow these simple steps to make an outstanding Apple Martini!


  • 40ml (3 parts) vodka
  • 15ml (1 part) apple schnapps / Calvados
  • 15ml (1 part) Cointreau or sweet vermouth[1]
  • Crushed ice
  • 1 part vodka
  • 1 part sour apple schnapps
  • 2 parts apple juice
  • Crushed ice
Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Using the IBA Official Cocktail Method

  1. If you don't feel like measuring out every single amount, use a simple bar count where the number of seconds indicates "parts." Since the martini is three parts vodka and one part each apple schnapps and Cointreau, you could count out six seconds of vodka, then two of the other liquors for a simple ratio.
    • You can use any amount of liquid, as long as this 3-1-1 ratio stays consistent.
    • If you want a little extra flavor, squeeze in a touch of fresh lemon juice.[2]
  2. Shake for at least 5 seconds. The longer you shake, the colder the drink will get, but this may also start to water it down a bit. Most bartenders shake for 5-15 seconds.
  3. You can either freeze the glass ahead of time or fill it with ice water for 2-4 minutes before serving. Dump out the water, quickly dry, and pour into the chilled glass.[3]
    • The long stem of the martini glass is so your fingers don't have to touch much of the glass, keeping it cool.
  4. Note, however, that most martinis do not have ice in them. A cube of ice takes off some of the alcoholic bite of the drink but keeping it cool and slightly watering it down as it melts.[4]
  5. 5
    Garnish with an apple wedge or slice. Hook the slice on the rim of the glass, or simply drop it right in the drink to soak in the alcohol. Serve immediately, while still cold.[[Image:Make an Apple Martini Step 5 Version 2.jpg|center]
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Using Apple Juice

  1. If you want a stronger drink, use ice cubes. The crushed ice will give the drink a slightly water, almost slushy-like texture that many people enjoy. However, a stronger drink needs less ice and less coolness, so cubes are a better bet.[5]
  2. If you don't feel like measuring out the ratios, use a simple count. Pour one second of vodka, one of sour apple schnapps, and two seconds of apple juice. If you want more, simply keep the ratio the same and count for longer -- four seconds for juice, and two for the liquor, for example.
    • As long as the vodka-schnapps-apple juice ratio stays 1-1-2, you can add as much liquid as you want.
  3. This takes anywhere from 5-15 seconds. The longer you shake, the colder the drink will be. Note, however, that colder drinks tend to have less of the alcoholic bite that many people like in their drink.[6]
  4. Keep your glasses in the freezer before using to ensure they are cold when the drinks are poured. If you forget to put the glass in the freezer, fill them with ice water for 3-4 minutes to get them cold quickly. Then pour out the water and pour in your drink.
  5. Most commonly this will be a slice of apple, but enterprising bartenders will try anything, including Jolly Ranchers, a drizzle of caramel, and cocktail cherries.

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Things You'll Need

  • Cocktail shaker
  • Drinking glass

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Co-authors: 14
Updated: October 11, 2022
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Article SummaryX

To make an apple martini, combine 3 parts vodka, 1 part Schnapps and 1 part Cointreau into a cocktail shaker. Next, add the ice, cap the shaker, and shake vigorously for 5 to 15 seconds. Pour the martini into a chilled martini glass and garnish with an apple wedge or slice. If you want your garnish to soak in the martini, simply drop the apple slice right into the drink. If not, hook the apple slice on the rim of the glass. For more tips, including how to make an apple martini using apple juice, scroll down.

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