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Here's how often Trump has traveled in his first 100 days compared to Obama, Bush, and Clinton

Presidents do all kinds of travel during their first 100 days, depending on their priorities and agenda.


President Donald Trump appears to have taken his "America First" platform to heart. So far in his term, he has yet to travel internationally.

By comparison, Presidents Obama, Clinton, and Bush had each visited at least one country at this point in their presidencies.

Donald Trump Air Force One
U.S. President Donald Trump arrives aboard Air Force One at Philadelphia International Airport in Philadelphia, U.S. January 26, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

Obama visited nine countries during his first 100 days, attempting to reset US policy in the Middle East and elsewhere after many years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

Trump, meanwhile, has focused on domestic travel, visiting 11 states since taking office.


However, since taking office, Trump hasn't stayed overnight anywhere except the White House or Mar-a-Lago, his private club in South Beach, Florida. His day trips to US states haven't ventured west of the Mississippi River.

Travel by State
Skye Gould/Business Insider


Trump has yet to travel outside the US. He will for the first time in office in May, when he will attend a NATO meeting planned in Brussels, Belgium. 


Travel by Country
Skye Gould/Business Insider

President Donald Trump Travel
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