Three athletes from J&K won Wushu Championship in Armenia


Zubair Sofi

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Three athletes of Jammu and Kashmir have bagged medals in Wushu Internationalship Championship held in Armenia  on 23rd of April.

Ajaz Hassan, 27, a resident of Aloocha Bagh area of Srinagar has bagged gold medal while Jabeen Akhtar, 31, of Tangmarg Baramulla has won bronze. Another athlete Tsering Angmo who bagged silver hails from Leh Ladakh.

Ajaz became the first ever Kashmiri to clinch gold in international Wushu championship. Jabeena and Angmo are the first two women from valley to represent India in the international championship.

Jabeen and Angmo are very proud over what they have achieved. They say they will work hard and next time they will clinch Gold.

Ajaz dreamed of participating in international Championship. With this feat he has not only realized his dream but also made a significant mark in the arena of athletics.

What I have achieved today is by the grace of Allah and the prayers of my parents, seniors and my friends, he said, adding that I am glad to see my father happy over my success,”

Ajaz father Gh Hassan is an auto driver. “He always encouraged me to play and provided me all the necessary requirements to realize my dream,” Ajaz told Kashmir Life.

The trio thanked general sectary of J&K Wushu Association Kuldeep Handoo for his support.


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