Aloe vera may help moisturize dry skin. If you have dry or itchy skin, you can try making your own aloe vera gel at home. You can heat oils over a double boiler and then mix in aloe vera gel. You can rub the oil onto dry portions of your skin. If you notice a bad reaction, stop using your moisturizer and talk to a doctor.


  • 1/3 cup aloe vera gel
  • 2 tablespoons sweet almond oil
  • 2 tablespoons jojoba oil
  • 1 tablespoon beeswax
  • 10 drops of any essential oils
Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Heating Your Oils

  1. To start, you will melt your oils together. Add your almond oil, jojoba oil, and beeswax to the top portion of your double boiler.[1]
    • A double boiler has two pans: a larger, deeper pan and a smaller, more shallow pan. You should add your oils to the smaller pan and add a few inches of water to the larger pan. Then, fit the smaller pan over the larger pan and melt the oils over heat.[2]
    • If you do not have a double boiler, place your oil in a glass or stainless steel bowl. Then, place this bowl in a pot filled with a few inches of water.[3]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make Aloe Moisturizer
    Place your double boiler or double boiler substitute over the stove and turn on the heat to medium or medium-high. Allow the oils to melt until they're completely mixed together. This should take about two to five minutes.[4]
    • You do not need to stir the oil. It should combine on its own.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Make Aloe Moisturizer
    Use a mixing bowl big enough to hold the oils with a little headspace on top. You will be adding more ingredients. Pour your oils into the bowl.[5]
  4. Before you proceed, you should let your oils cool to room temperature. Set the mixing bowl aside for about an hour to cool your oils.[6]
    • You can use a thermometer to check the oil temperature.
    • It may be easier to simply stick your finger in and see if the oils feel about the same temperature as the room. You should wait about an hour to do this, as the oil could be very hot. You may want to hover your hand above the oil for a moment. If the temperature is very hot, wait a bit longer before checking.
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Mixing the Remaining Ingredients

  1. Watermark wikiHow to Make Aloe Moisturizer
    Add 10 drops of essential oils to the aloe vera gel. You can use one type of oil or combine different oils. Use a spoon to mix the oils into the aloe vera gel.[7]
    • Essential oils that are good for dry skin include rose oil, frankincense oil, and neroli oil. A combination of these oils may work great in a moisturizer.[8]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make Aloe Moisturizer
    Take your aloe vera gel mixture. Pour it into the mixing bowl. You should use a hand mixer to combine.[9]
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Make Aloe Moisturizer
    Use the hand mixer to slowly whisk the oils together. There are no strict for how long to mix. It depends on the precise consistency you prefer. You should keep mixing your oils until you reach that consistency.[10]
    • When you're done, your moisturizer is ready to use. You can store it in an airtight container between uses.
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Taking Precautions

  1. If you take prescription medication or have certain health concerns, you should consult a healthcare professional before using aloe vera gel. Aloe vera gel could potentially interfere with medications. You should also ask your doctor about aloe vera gel if you have existing allergies, are pregnant, or are trying to become pregnant.[11]
  2. Aloe vera gel, or the essential oils used in it, can sometimes cause a bad reaction. If you notice redness, itchiness, or hives after you begin using the gel, aloe vera gel may not be safe for your skin. Cease using your moisturizer and consult your doctor if your symptoms do not go away on their own in a few days.[12]
    • If you have an allergy to garlic, onions, or tulips, a bad reaction may be more likely.
  3. Aloe vera gel should never be swallowed. If you're using your moisturizer on your face, be very careful to keep it away from your mouth.[13]
    • If you or a household member accidentally ingests aloe vera gel, see a doctor as soon as possible.
  4. If you have itchy, dry skin that you moisturize regularly, be careful when using aloe vera gel. The long term effects of aloe vera gel, and many essential oils, are unknown. If your dry, itchy skin is a chronic problem, ask your doctor about treatment options. It is better to go with a verified treatment plan, as attempting to treat your skin on your own may have adverse long term effects.[14]

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Do I need to keep it refrigerated?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It's optional, but if you do, only do it for about a day or so.
  • Question
    Is it really a must to add essential oil?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No, but essential oils are often used in making moisturizers. They help your skin get softer and are very useful in a moisturizer.
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Things You'll Need

  • Mixing spoon
  • Mixing bowls
  • Hand mixer
  • Double boiler
  • Steel or glass bowl
  • Pot

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Updated: June 30, 2021
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