If you're like others with cat allergies, every time you come near a cat, you could sneeze up a storm. Tears fill your red-streaked eyes, you're itchy, and you wish you were far, far away from the allergens. Fear not! Whether you're moving in with a partner who has a cat or getting a ferocious ball of fluff of your own, we've found the best ways to deal with your allergies.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Limiting Your Exposure to Allergens

  1. Your bedroom is your castle. Defend it from allergens at all costs! If you can keep the cat out of your bedroom, you create an (mostly!) allergen-free zone at night. That gives your system a chance to recover overnight.[1]
    • If you're looking for a moat to defend your bedroom, consider a HEPA filter. You can set up a portable one in your room to keep the allergies down. Use HEPA filters in your HVAC system and change them often.
    • Another line of defense is to spread cheesecloth over the vents in your bedroom. That way, when air blows from another part of the house, you won't get as many allergens from it.[2]
  2. Fabric, such as rugs, curtains, and cloth-covered furniture, trap all the hair, dust, and dander from your cat. They lay in wait for you to come nearby, and then they attack your system. If you limit fabrics, you give them fewer places to hide.[3]
    • The best options are hardwood floors, leather couches, and washable blinds. If you prefer fabric on your furniture, pick cotton.
    • If you must have the fluffy warmth of carpet beneath your feet, opt for the low-pile kind. It will trap less dander and allergens.[4]
  3. Your cat can't help leaving allergens all over the house for you to find. But you can pick them up regularly. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter so you don't release the allergens as you vacuum, and use a microfiber cloth to pick up dust without puffing much up into the air.[5]
  4. You're probably thinking, "Bathe my cat, are you crazy?" Yes, most cats don't like water, but many will put up with being bathed, especially once they get used to it. Plus, it helps reduce how much dander you're exposed to. It's best to have someone else bathe the cat, such as your partner, if possible. Some groomers even take cats.
    • Try to bathe your cat once a week. Also, it's best to have someone brush the cat regularly, such as once a day.[6]
  5. No one likes cleaning the litter box, but if you have cat allergies, you have a legitimate excuse to get out of the task. Your allergies can be affected by cleaning the litter (and other items, like pet beds), so ask a partner to do it, if you can.[7]
    • If you must do the cleaning, don an allergy mask to shield yourself from dander and other allergens.[8]
  6. Keeping the cat outside means less hair in the house, and your allergies will thank you.[9] However, transitioning an indoor cat to outdoor living is a major adjustment for most cats and it can put them at significant risk of illness, injury, and death. Transitioning a cat to outdoor living should be a last resort option and you should discuss it with your cat’s veterinarian first to find out what type of vaccinations and other checkups your cat will need to stay healthy.
    • Cats who live outside have a shorter life expectancy than indoor cats because of the many risks that outdoor living poses to them. They are at risk of being attacked and even killed by other animals, such as dogs, coyotes, raccoons, foxes, other cats, and even alligators. Outdoor cats are also at risk of being hit by a car, subjected to cruelty such as by being shot with a bb gun or arrow, coming into dangerous toxins such as antifreeze, or getting stuck in a tree.[10]
    • Outdoor cats are also much more likely to get fleas, ticks, ringworm, ear mites, and intestinal worms. All of these parasites and infections can reduce your cat’s quality of life and may enter your home if you still come into contact with your cat after you have placed him outside.[11]
    • If your cat is female, then she may get pregnant by other outdoor cats. A male cat may impregnate multiple cats. This can result in multiple litters of kittens and increase the homeless cat population. Even if you provide food and water for the cats after they are grown, many of these cats may die as a result of the dangers of outdoor living. Therefore, it is important to spay and neuter any cats that will be living outdoors.
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Minimizing Your Allergic Reaction

  1. After you pet a cat, whether it's one you own or not, take a trip to the sink. Try not to touch other parts of your body before your wash your hands thoroughly. If you rub your eyes, for instance, you're just transferring the allergens up there, causing a waterfall. Wash your hands in warm water and soap, scrubbing for 20 seconds.
  2. If you prefer not to take medications, you can use a saltwater rinse. You can either use a prepared nasal spray with a saline solution, or you can use something like a neti pot to flush your sinuses with saltwater. It can help rinse out the allergens.[12]
  3. If you have allergies, you probably already know the drill. Taking a daily non-drowsy antihistamine can help reduce your symptoms. You can try cetirizine (Zyrtec), loratadine (Claritin), or fexofenadine (Allegra), to name a few.[13]
    • These drugs are available over the counter. If your allergies are particularly bad, your doctor may recommend a prescription antihistamine.
  4. On your worst allergy days, you can throw in a decongestant to the mix. Some common decongestants are pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) and phenylephrine (Contac-D). You can usually take these several times a day, such as every four hours, depending on the drug.[14]
    • These drugs are available over the counter.
  5. Steroids might sound scary, but nasal sprays with corticosteroids are generally mild. They help reduce inflammation, meaning your symptoms won't be as bad. Some examples are ciclesonide (Omnaris), mometasone furoate (Nasonex), and triamcinolone (Nasacort Allergy 24-Hour). Read the directions for how often you can use the drug, as it varies.[15]
    • Most of these treatments are available over the counter. However, like any drug, you should talk to your doctor before taking one of these treatments.
  6. If your allergies are particularly severe, you may develop asthma symptoms, which means you may start wheezing and have difficulty breathing. Treatments include inhalers and injected medications. These medications are only available by prescription, so you'll need to swing by your doctor's office.[16]
  7. Allergy shots are regular injections of small doses of allergens to help desensitize you to your allergies. They can be expensive, though, and are usually only used if other options don't work.[17]

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  • Beware of breeders claiming their cats are hypoallergenic. All cats trigger allergies, even the hairless kind.

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About this article

Alan O. Khadavi, MD, FACAAI
Medically reviewed by:
Board Certified Allergist
This article was medically reviewed by Alan O. Khadavi, MD, FACAAI. Dr. Alan O. Khadavi is a Board Certified Allergist and a Pediatric Allergy Specialist based in Los Angeles, California. He holds a BS in biochemistry from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook and an MD from the State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn. Dr. Khadavi completed his pediatric residency at Schneider Children’s Hospital in New York, and then went on to complete his allergy and immunology fellowship and pediatric residency at Long Island College Hospital. He is board certified in adult and pediatric allergy/immunology. Dr. Khadavi is a Diplomate of the American Board of Allergy and Immunology, a Fellow of the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI), and a member of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI). Dr. Khadavi's honors include Castle Connolly’s list of Top Doctors 2013-2020, and Patient Choice Awards "Most Compassionate Doctor" in 2013 & 2014. This article has been viewed 60,689 times.
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Updated: May 25, 2022
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