Feiglin banned from entering UK
Likud member receives letter from British Home Office informing him he will not be allowed to enter country. Feiglin says in response, 'Seeing that renowned terrorists are welcomed in Britain in open arms, I understand the UK's policy is aimed at encouraging and supporting terror'
According to the letter, in light of his previous remarks and calls to launch a war against the Palestinians, British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has decided to inform him that he should be excluded from the country. "Your presence would not be conducive to the public good," the letter said.
Feiglin, who was convicted in the past of inciting to mutiny, thought at first that the letter was a joke or a forged document, but was later approached by a British journalist who informed him that the letter was reliable.
He added, however, that "the reasons for this strange initiative against a political figure in Israel should be investigated. This initiative constitutes another link in the European intervention in Israel's internal issues… Seeing that renowned terrorists like Hizbullah member Ibrahim Mousawwi are welcomed in your country in open arms, I understand that your policy is aimed at encouraging and supporting terror.
Feiglin continued to attack the British government, saying that "in the moral situation your nation has deteriorated to, I have no other choice but to view your letter as a great compliment. I am unworthy of the honor you have given me, including me in the dignified list of people like (former Prime Minister) Menachem Begin in the past) – and senior IDF officers in the present."
Feiglin concluded his letter on a sarcastic note: "With the direction you are deteriorating to, I believe that if I ever wish to visit England in the future, I would be forced to submit my request in your official language – Arabic."
The British Embassy in Tel Aviv said in response, "The Home Secretary can exclude people whether or not they have applied to come to Britain. In reaching its decision, the Home Office takes into account relevant information supplied by other government departments and agencies.
"The British government collects information on individuals around the world who have demonstrated 'unacceptable behavior' and an individual may then be placed on a watch list. That does not itself necessarily mean exclusion, but it will trigger the possibility of a decision to do so by the Home Secretary."