ICO Update June 3, 2017

Here is today’s  ICO Update June 3, 2017: There has been movement in some of the ICOs that we are following.  Here is a brief update on the ongoing ICOs and a preview of a few to come.

Patientory ICO Update

The Patientory’s ICO began May 31st and Moved fast. The Initial Coin Offering closed on June 3, 2017 at 5:30 PM UTC with a total;l of 70,000,000 PTOY tokens sold to investors. The vibe in the forums is that this is an exciting project that can truly revolutionize the Healthcare Industry.

To see our summary of Patientory click here.

Monaco ICO Update

Monaco began its ICO on May 18th, 2017.  Their platform is a visa card that will automatically be funded in real time by your cryptocurrency wallet with best in industry exchange rates.

The ICO keeps moving along at its own pace with around 34,000 MCO tokens sold to date.  With the ICO half over, we will see if they can reach their 150,000 ETH soft cap.

To see more on Monaco click here.

To follow the progress of the ICO click here: https://mona.co/tokensale.html

Wagerr ICO Update

The Wagerr tokens, WGR, were launched through the ICO June 1, 2017.  Wagerr is an innovative way to have a decentralized betting site on the blockchain.  The ICO is set up in rounds, with the earlier rounds earning bonuses as the later rounds close.

They have already sold around 58,000,000 WGR tokens and are in the middle of round 7.  They have been gaining traction and should meet their requirements for a successful ICO.They have already completed Round 7 of their initial launch with will allow them to issue their tokens, build a head to head bet matching system, fund multi-user betting and secure direct on chain betting.  If they can finish r9ound 8 they will enable Fantasy betting.

To see more about Wagerr and their ICO click here.

To follow the progress of the ICO click here http://www.wagerr.com/ico


DCORP launched its DRP tokens yesterday with a hard cap of raising 9,500,000 Euro.  They set some metrics for success saying that if they raised at least 1,224,000 Euro they could move ahead with the main company and its seed project.  Atthis time they have already surpassed this with over 5 million Euro raised.  They seem well on their way to developing their decentralized venture capital company.

To read more on DCORP click here.

To follow the progress of the ICO click here https://www.dcorp.it/crowdsale

FootballCoin ICO Update

Although it is hard to track exactly how many of the XFC tokens have been sold, the ICO for the fantasy football blockchain based platform continues.  We will continue to keep an eye on this one as the numbers become more clear.

To read more about FootballCoin click here.

To follow the progress of the ICO click here https://www.xfccoin.io/footballcoin-ico/

Sphre (Air) XID Token ICO Update

The identity security platform launched its ICO yesterday and has seen some success thus far. Sales of the token have slowed down since yesterday while only raising an additional 2% of the allotted 50,000,000 tokens allotted for the ICO. They are still in their 2nd tranche with a 10% discount still available for potential investors.  With almost 27 days left until their closing sate we will have to watch this one closely to see if they can reach their goal.

To read more about Sphre click here.

To follow the progress of the ICO click here https://tokeninvestor.com/crowdfunding/air

Giga Watt ICO Update

Giga Watt launched its ICO yesterday They have had modest results selling approximately 5 million of the 30,000,000 total WWT token allottedTo read more about the project, click here.

To follow the progress of the ICO click here https://cryptonomos.com/wtt/

Aeternity 2nd Round ICO Update

Aternity is developing its own Blockchain and Aeternity Token, (AE), which they say will differ from existing blockchains in that the Aeternity Blockchain will allow for a more scalable platform that allows for high bandwidth transactions, purely functioning smart contracts and decentralized oracles.

Aeternity’s second round launched Monday, May 29th and has already raised 10,968,478 CHF,  The round will be opened until they reach 21,000,000 CHF, with an additional 6 hours after that.

To read more about Aeternity click here.

To follow the crowdsale click here: https://wallet.aeternity.com/

ZrCoin ICO Update

ZrCoin, the zirconium oxide based token, has already passed its goal of 3,500,000 to open its first plan and will be in business.  They are looking to get to 7,000,000 to open a second plant.  To date, they have raised around 4,500,000 and they have 6 more days to complete the ICO and reach their goal.  Only time will tell.

To read more on ZrCoin click here.

To follow the crowdsale click here:https://zrcoin.io/

ICO Update – June 3 2017



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