A new umbrella organization linked to the Palestinian Authority bringing together several Arab bodies has been running an unprecedented incitement campaign in Judea and Samaria for several days. The organization paid for large billboard space encouraging terrorists to disrupt the peace and throw rocks at Jews. Otzma Yehudit movement Executive Director Zvi Sukkot and other Jewish activists surprised to see both the campaign itself and enforcement authority's inaction decided to remove an incitement billboard that was placed next to the town of Eli in Samaria, along with signs in other places. In recent days the activists removed additional incitement signs and said they would not allow PA officials to incite to unbridled attacks on Jews. After the sign was removed by unofficial Jewish activists, and in light of many requests to the army, IDF soldiers also removed a similar incitement sign. Chairman of Otzma Yehudit Dr. Michael Ben-Ari said, "Where the State of Israel and the defense establishment have decided not to win, to let the enemy incite and harm us, with no accountability, Otzma Yehudit activists are ready to restore deterrence . We will not stand idly by incitement to murder Jews." Baruch Marzel, one of the leaders of Otzma Yehudit, added, "Law authorities in Judea and Samaria are busy persecuting youths and Jews on the hilltops, but even huge incitement billboards receive no treatment. All the power to the young Jews who fill the gap and bolster law and order."