Star Wars: 8 spin-off movies Disney could be planning after The Last Jedi

STAR WARS spin-off movies are being planned, but who is most likely to get one? From Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader to Jabba the Hutt here are eight likely possibilities.

By George Simpson, Film & Music Editor

Mark Hamill surprises Star Wars fan with INCREDIBLE surprise

Last year Lucasfilm and Disney made a big gamble with Rogue One, being the first ever Star Wars spin-off movie.

Luckily it paid off handsomely with its billion-dollar box office success and now it will soon be followed by the Young Han Solo outing next year, and a yet-to-be-announced 2020 Anthology movie.

Not only that, but back in March Disney boss Bob Iger revealed there are following Star Wars Episode IX’s release in Summer 2019.

With this in mind, here’s a list of spin-offs the studios could be planning.

obi-wan, darth vader and jabba the huttLUCASFILM

Star Wars Day 2017: 8 spin-off movies Disney could be planning after The Last Jedi

Obi-Wan Kenobi

This one is almost a shoe-in. Not only has a source at Lucasfilm said that producer Kathleen Kennedy has every intention of making an Obi-Wan spin-off starring Ewan McGregor, but the star is on board with it.

The film would be set after 2005’s Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and before the events of Episode IV: A New Hope, when Obi-Wan was in exile.

, saying he’d love to do it, but admitted he hasn’t been asked yet.

obi-wan old and youngLUCASFILM

Ewan McGregor wants the Obi-Wan Kenobi solo movie to happen

jabba the huttLUCASFILM

Guillermo Del Toro has expressed interest in making a Jabba the Hutt movie

Jabba the Hutt

Who could forget the creepiest slug-like gangster in the universe?

Jabba played a major role in Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, but are Lucasfilm planning a spin-off for him?


While he wouldn’t say what his idea was, he has previously said he’d like to make a Jabba the Hutt solo story.

boba fett and yodaLUCASFILM

Boba Fett and Yoda have been rumoured for the 2020 Anthology movie

Boba Fett

Back in March a source said: “Rest assured, the Boba Fett movie is not dead. As far as I can tell, the movie will most likely not be an origin story.

“It’s not strictly a Boba Fett movie, but a film about an ensemble of bounty hunters on an adventure.

“It sounds as though Fett is just one important component to the movie as opposed to the central character.”


The famous green alien was over 900-years-old when he died in Return of the Jedi, so there’s plenty of space for a prequel solo outing.

Meanwhile Yoda is expected to return as a Force ghost in Episode VIII: The Last Jedi, after his voice was heard in the first trailer

darth vader slaying jediLUCASFILM

Could Darth Vader's Great Jedi Purge be the setting of a romantic tragedy?

Darth Vader and the Great Jedi Purge

The big March leak from

The leak read: “This Star Wars project is going to target the young-adult audience and have slight romantic themes to it.

“Said story is a tragedy…the love story angle has more in common with Han & Leia’s romance in The Empire Strikes Back than anything else.”

Having considered this information Star Wars theorist Mike Zeroh is hopeful the plot will be set during Darth Vader’s Great Jedi Purge.

jackson and maceYOUTUBE/LUCASFILM

Samuel L Jackson really wants Mace Windu to return

Mace Windu

Star Wars fans will remember when Samuel L Jackson’s Mace Windu was thrown out of a window by the Emperor at the end of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.

But last year George Lucas shocked fans by revealing that Mace isn’t dead as we never saw his body.

When Star Wars Celebration came round last month, . Surely it’s time for his solo movie?

Knights of Ren

Kylo Ren’s mysterious faithful only briefly appeared in Episode VII: The Force Awakens. 

While it’s likely they will play a bigger role in Episode VIII: The Last Jedi,

knight of renLUCASFILM

Could the Knights of Ren be getting their own Star Wars movie?

Jar Jar Binks

We couldn’t leave him off the list could we?

Jar Jar may be the character Star Wars fans love to hate, but who's to say he won’t return?

But he was only joking – wasn’t he?

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