History is important. It tells us where we come from, informs where we're going, and if we ignore it then we're doomed to repeat its mistakes.
You know who doesn't seem to care about their own history, or respect those who came before them (or really anyone)? Marvel Comics.
The entertainment juggernaut (X-Men pun intended) recently began a universe-wide storyline called Secret Empire, enraging fans beyond the normal geeky outcries. In this latest and likely temporary multi-month arc, which Marvel has been building toward for a year now, it's revealed that patriotic hero Captain America is actually not a patriot.
He's a member of the evil organization Hydra, the villainous group aligned with and directly based on World War II era Nazis. That's right, Marvel has, in effect, made Captain America a Nazi.
In fact, they've recently gone so far as to make it so that he was ALWAYS a Nazi, and that the previous canon of a good-guy Steve Rogers who fought against Hitler was actually a lie. A preview released at C2E2 shows this newly Nazi'd Cap holding Thor's hammer Mjolnir, implicitly saying that someone with those abhorrent views is still somehow found magically worthy of a heroic tool. Which is a whole other can of offensive worms.
As a life-long comics fan, a lover of comic book history, and a Jewish woman, this editorial decision has me enraged. I can break down my utter disgust in this into 3 parts: opportunistic storytelling, spitting on history, and willful ignorance of contemporary politics.
Cash Grabs over Ideas
There's only one reason Marvel and this story's architect Nick Spencer are doing this: money. The arc takes place over multiple comic lines and many months, costing fans who want to follow along over $20 a month. Who cares that this messes with decades of canon, and will likely be re-written (retconned, in the comics parlance) in a future comic, making the entire mess pointless?
And who cares if this is pure character assassination of Steve Rogers, a good-hearted soldier, along the lines of the faulty idea that "good" characters have to be boring and thus must be made gritty and dark? Who cares if giving a beloved hero an unearned arc of evil does nothing but add needless, vacuous fight scenes in overblown issues existing purely as a cash grab with inevitable merchandise tie-ins (get your Nazi Cap action figure today!)?
I fucking care, that's who.

Spitting on History, because *that's* never a bad idea
Back in the late 30s and early 40s, the superhero comic industry began in New York by a small number of Jewish artists, first generation Americans with strong ties to family still back in Europe. Amongst them were Joe Simon (born Hymie Simon) and Jack Kirby (born Jacob Kurtzberg), who created Captain America in 1941 for Timely Comics (what would become Marvel).
On the cover of his first issue, Cap punched Adolf Hitler. This was a year before Pearl Harbor, and long before the US entered World War II.

Simon and Kirby both fought in World War II, and their anti-Nazi beliefs bled into their work. Kirby especially hated everything remotely Nazi-ish, and his most enduring creations for Marvel and DC Comics revolve around the fight against fascism (see DC's New Gods and their main villain, free-will hating Darkseid).
As recounted in Kirby's biography and on his museum's website, the artist was never one to shy away from a fight with Nazis.
On occasion the Timely office would get phone calls and letters from Nazi sympathizers threatening the creators of Captain America. Once, while Jack was in the Timely office, a call came from someone in the lobby. When Kirby answered, the caller threatened Jack with bodily harm if he showed his face. Kirby told the caller he would be right down, but by the time Jack reached street level, there was no one to be found.
That same webpage points out the many personal and religious influences on Captain America from both Kirby and Simon. To ignore the characters Jewish roots, and his roots in World War II and the Holocaust, is to ignore everything about the character's origins.
And yes, before some Internet troll points it out, Kirby did once draw an issue where Cap salutes Hitler. But this 1965 story was explicitly about Cap being mind-controlled, and showed support of Hitler and his ally Red Skull (of Hydra fame) as something bad and opposing Cap's normal character.
Turning Steve Rogers into a life-long secret Hydra member, a fictional organization based on the Nazis who at different times in comic book history are either synonymous or allied with that violent white supremacist group, is beyond offensive. It shows not only a lack of understanding about the character, it trivializes the importance of the Holocaust and the murders of millions of people and it's impact on early comic creators.
Willful Ignorance of Contemporary Politics, AKA 'we don't care that people have died'
It's 2017 and Captain America isn't the only Nazi we're fighting about. There's been a rise in white supremacy and hate crimes, and the country is embroiled in populist bordering on fascist sentiment.
When American Jews are feeling more and more unsafe, when minorities across the country continue to be targets, this is the exact wrong time to start a bullshit "controversial" arc turning their former champion into their violent oppressor.
But don't just take my word for it:
Not to mention the OTHER terrible decisions coinciding with this one.
Magneto, who has never allied with Hydra and who has always canonically been a Holocaust survivor, is on a villains cover of Secret Empire, implicitly aligning him with Hydra and offending anyone who has ever thought more than three seconds about his origins and the actual millions of Holocaust victims.
Not to mention the fact that Marvel asked local comic book shops to decorate their stores and dress their employees as Hyrda agents, enraging more than a few decent human beings.
So what does all of this prove? Marvel writers and editors, like Secret Empire architect Nick Spencer, may defend these choices and try to distance their Cap from literal actual Nazis. But the symbolism is powerful, the history is clear, and the real-world implications are dangerous.
People are getting hurt, and Marvel is giving the Alt-Right neo-Nazis of 2017 a co-opted symbol for their hate. A symbol who used to stand for the acceptance and freedoms of America is now going to end up tattooed on the arm of a guy who wants to kill me for being who I am.