
League of Legends Confessions

@leagueoflegends-confessions / leagueoflegends-confessions.tumblr.com

Submission and ask boxes will be closed on an as needed basis. We will only close if the inbox gets too full. Confessions can be about champs, lore, or just something that happened in-game. Take a look at our rules and guidelines before sending in your confessions c: Confessions sent through the messenger system will NOT be posted, make sure you use the ask or submit box.

I don't talk about my favorite ship much because it's a rarepair and I don't want other people's hate but damn do I want to talk to someone about it. I recently found fanart of them! Of course it didn't get a lot of positive feedback (because most players don't like shipping in general) but it was like a light in a dark tunnel. I wasn't alone and man am I desperate to find more of my kind of people. I hope they're well and I wish I can be friends with them someday.


So I was playing solo queue with a friend and our jungler was Janna. Except, she quite literally had 8.9 million mastery points on the character. Note, my account is level 50. So I'm there thinking after the game ends "is it normal for high elo players to have 8 million mastery points on their characters?" But then I realized no. So I looked up the player and it turns out I ran into the guy who literally holds the record for highest number of Janna mastery points out of any league account on any server. What the fuck?

Anonymous asked:

I'v been in the kayn fandom for a while now, and all I got to say is this, Yes, there are people are who either have different options or thoughts then what is preferred by others. But, that doesn't give anyone the right bully others for it. The best thing someone can do is either mute, or block them. There is no need to bring up anymore unnecessary drama. This goes for both sides. And No, I am NOT defending anyone. This is coming from someone who generally wants the fandom to be better.

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