You heard from the boys what men REALLY want and as promised, now it’s over to the girls! Interestingly enough the boys were quicker to respond to my survey (go figure.) Please share your questions & thoughts in the comments below, cos I’d love to know 🙂 xoxo

MissMalini. 38, Married
What’s the first thing you notice about men?
Diction and cuteness!
What’s an absolutely deal breaker for you?
Lack of affection.
How would you describe your PERFECT guy.
Kind, smart, funny, curious, passionate, super friendly, good dancer, very physical (whether affectionate or in bed!), loves to party, reliable, notices the little things…
What’s one thing guys need to stop doing in relationships?
Taking things for granted.
What do you think guys REALLY want?
A confident, sexy, intelligent woman who has eyes only for him but isn’t too clingy or demanding!

Nicole. 29, Single
What’s the first thing you notice about men?
Their height. Then their shoes.
What’s an absolute deal breaker for you?
How would you describe your PERFECT guy.
Confident (if bit cheeky, even better), ambitious, outgoing, must have a sense of humour, and hopefully, not two left feet.
What’s one thing guys need to stop doing in relationships?
Get too comfortable, and stop making an effort.
What do you think girls REALLY want?
Am thinking, Trevor Noah.

Anonymous. 35, Married
What’s the first thing you notice about men?
What’s an absolutely deal breaker for you?
He has to be intelligent.
How would you describe your PERFECT guy.
The one I have. Who is kind, supportive, liberal, who makes me laugh and good in bed.
What’s one thing guys need to stop doing in relationships?
They should stop arguing and listen to us. Because if they don’t they accuse of us of nagging, not realizing they turned us into one.
What do you think guys REALLY want?
A good natured, intelligent (some men) girl they can take home to. She should love sports i.e. cricket or football.

Shreemi. 25, Dating
What’s the first thing you notice about men?
His eyes.
What’s an absolutely deal breaker for you?
Sexism and unwanted aggression.
How would you describe your PERFECT guy?
Someone who makes me laugh.
What’s one thing guys need to stop doing in relationships?
Be condescending to their girlfriends.
What do you think guys REALLY want?
I think they want a chill girl.

Anonymous. 22, Single
What’s the first thing you notice about men?
Umm… honestly, how genuine and friendly he is. Somehow, good looking men just aren’t attractive to me so I tend to look beyond that.
What’s an absolutely deal breaker for you?
A guy with long and dirty nails.
How would you describe your PERFECT guy?
The imperfect guy, I think. He needs to have annoying habits that I want to love 😛
What’s one thing guys need to stop doing in relationships?
Being possessive.
What do you think guys REALLY want?
A hot girl?

Anonymous. 25, Dating.
What’s the first thing you notice about men?
What they’re wearing.
What’s an absolutely deal breaker for you?
If a guy doesn’t talk well, and doesn’t take care of his nails and toes (I hate feet, so if they’re ugly, it’s just worse).
How would you describe your PERFECT guy.
Smart, funny and chivalrous.
What’s one thing guys need to stop doing in relationships?
The little things matter, they forget this once they’re in a relationship.
What do you think guys REALLY want?
Arm candy, and someone to laugh at their jokes.

Anonymous. 24, Single
What’s the first thing you notice about men?
Their hair, probably!
What’s an absolute deal breaker for you?
Chain-smoking is the first thing that comes to mind.
How would you describe your PERFECT guy?
It would be a combination of a lot of things: someone who has similar values as I do, is interesting, can hold a good conversation, is loving and respectful, etc.
What’s one thing guys need to stop doing in relationships?
For me it would be: Stop taking your partner for granted! And stop being lazy in the relationship.
What do you think guys REALLY want?
Don’t think there’s a ‘one-size-fits-all’ answer to this question. Definitely depends on the guy!

Shalini. 50, Married
What’s the first thing you notice about men?
Looks/hands (if well kept or not) and shoes.
What’s an absolutely deal breaker for you?
Body odor and bitten nails.
How would you describe your PERFECT guy.
There isn’t one! I’d need 7 different men to fulfill the contradictory wish list.
What’s one thing guys need to stop doing in relationships?
There are so many, but if I have mention just one i’d say stop trying to be who you aren’t as the cover will slip! Rather work on the fundamentals and build up!
What do you think guys REALLY want?
The perfect girl! There ain’t one!

Reshma. 40, Married
What’s the first thing you notice about men?
Smile … The lips.
What’s an absolutely deal breaker for you?
Bad BO.
How would you describe your PERFECT guy.
Dimitri Lezinska.
What’s one thing guys need to stop doing in relationships?
Try to problem solve all our issues.
What do you think guys REALLY want?
Drop dead gorgeous hottie who can cook and loves football.

Dhruvi. 28, Single
What’s the first thing you notice about men?
The first thing I notice about men is their conversation skill. Since I’ve been meeting boys online or through friends or relatives, I really need them to hold a conversation and make it interesting. I detest the ‘what are your hobbies?’
What’s an absolutely deal breaker for you?
Double standards. I don’t understand how an out of shape, balding boy expects to get with a slim, pretty girl. Or a boy who can’t even spell correctly expect to be wooed by an intelligent girl.
How would you describe your PERFECT guy.
My perfect guy is passionate about life and his dreams. I don’t care if he has six pack abs or a gorgeous mane of hair. I prefer that he have a good heart and respect for me. He’ll accept me for me and we’ll share our experiences with each other.
What’s one thing guys need to stop doing in relationships?
Guys in relationships need to stop trying to control their partner. The more you close your fist full of sand, the easier it slips away. The same logic applies to relationships. The more you suffocate your girl with questions and limitations, the faster she’ll run away.
What do you think guys REALLY want?
Guys also want to be loved, cared for and respected, I think. They want someone who’s faithful to them and who they can count on.

Anonymous. 28, Dating
What’s the first thing you notice about men?
First thing I notice about men: stature & posture – I think tall men who hold themselves up (no pun intended) with smooth confidence are very attractive and stand out immediately in a crowd.
What’s an absolutely deal breaker for you?
Bragging! Your Hermes belt is not attractive – neither is your fancy car or your ‘epic’ party in Dubai.
What’s one thing guys need to stop doing in relationships?
Treating their partners like factory produced pampered lapdogs – pop culture tells you to ‘spoil’ your lady, treat her like the ‘fragile flower’ that she is – me thinks not! Women are fierce and I think men need to encourage their ladies to wear their personas with pride.
How would you describe your PERFECT guy.
A well travelled, well read, humble man who likes to get his hand dirty – he can make things, fix things, find an adventure around every corner – everything he does, he does with pride, knowledge and style.
What do you think guys REALLY want?
Guys want minimal complications, their own space to escape to and good food – at least that’s what I think they want!

Anonymous. 75, Married
What’s the first thing you notice about men?
Pleasing personality.
What’s an absolutely deal breaker for you?
Not respecting you and your loved ones.
What’s one thing guys need to stop doing in relationships?
Bringing past issues up whenever they are about to lose an argument.
How would you describe your PERFECT guy.
He should have a sense of humour, love and respect you. Show his love in action till the end of your togetherness.
What do you think guys REALLY want?
Guys want a beautiful intelligent wife to show off and behave like a desi at home serving all with her head covered. Not expecting anything from her man.

Anonymous. 36, Married
What’s the first thing you notice about men?
A. Scent. B. Personal hygiene C. Eyes D. Smile!
What’s an absolutely deal breaker for you?
A man obsessed with himself.
What’s one thing guys need to stop doing in relationships?
Guys need to stop being analytical (is that even possible? Haha!)
How would you describe your PERFECT guy.
A man who is kind, immensely large hearted, compassion towards humanity and who is TOTALLY into me. Who makes my heart feel like it’s flying…
What do you think guys REALLY want?
Dirty weekends!

Surelee. 29, Married
What’s the first thing you notice about men?
His Voice and the shoes he’s got on.
What’s an absolutely deal breaker for you?
Bad body odor and popped collars – men need to put their collars down, no one is that cool..NO ONE!!
What’s one thing guys need to stop doing in relationships?
I think this applies to both genders – stop being insecure and possessive. Know who you are and be confident about your relationship.
How would you describe your PERFECT guy.
There’s no such thing as perfect. But definitely someone who makes you laugh even in the worst situations. Also… My husband!! (Score… Brownie points earned)
What do you think guys REALLY want?
I think guys really want someone they can be comfortable with. A girl that’s low maintenance, that can veg out in front on the TV… And more sex!!

Perspective of a gay man (or two!)…
Vivek. 40, Single
What’s the first thing you notice about men?
Honestly their looks. Then eyes go down on to the crotch (a little bit), then the thighs which are a big turn on for me, and then the height. He has to be tall.
What’s an absolutely deal breaker for you?
Off late it has become smokers, insensitive jerks and bigots. I cannot deal with people who are constantly judging other folks.
How would you describe your PERFECT boy.
Someone who is kind, funny and is somewhat intelligent.
What’s one thing boys need to stop doing in relationships?
Trying too hard. Be yourself. It is alright.
What do you think boys REALLY want?
I think all men and boys (well not all, but most) really want only sex. I think that is great. But be honest about it. Even if they want companionship, they are just too afraid to say it.
Marv. 30, Single
What’s the first thing you notice about men?
Eyes and shoulders.
What’s an absolutely deal breaker for you?
Guys that baby me and one’s that are hyper active. (that’s my area. No room for another).
How would you describe your PERFECT guy.
One that loves night-time and meeting people but also enjoys alone time with me. Someone who understands and respect space. Someone boring but still enjoys the quirk in me.
P. S. Someone who can help me with my taxes and organizing my life.
What’s one thing guy need to stop doing in relationships?
Stop pointing figures at a problem and offer a solution instead!
What do you think guy REALLY want?
Women who are cool. Easy going but can switch ‘it’ on. Basically, a man loves a woman who keeps him on his toes (sexually and otherwise).
So basically Jack, we’re waiting for YOU.

(And FYIP, we’d never have let go of your hand Jack. No matter HOW cold the water was! I call bullshit on that move Kate. #JustSaying #RomeoMustNotDieAlone)