No one likes being behind at work, but fortunately there are a variety of ways that you can catch up and perhaps even get ahead! Start by writing down all of the tasks that you need to do. Organize them according to the deadline, importance, and time needed. Reach out to your coworkers and employees for help. Extend your work hours, turn off all social media, and take only short breaks until you’ve made it through the backlog. Then, enjoy being back on track.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Tackling Your Current Work Backlog

  1. When the amount of work that you have to do seems overwhelming, it can often help just to write it all down. Go through and think of every task that you must complete to catch up. Make a note of the specific deadlines, any unusual requirements for each task (materials that must be ordered, for example) and time needed to finish each item up.[1]
    • Don’t spend days creating this list. Be quick, but be as thorough as you can.
    • For example, you might write down, “PowerPoint presentation for investors, deadline July 6, need 3 hours to complete.”
  2. Look over your list and identify those tasks that need to be done as soon as possible. Write each task on a single sticky note and then place these somewhere visible in your work area. This will keep your most important tasks right in front of you. Throw away each note as you complete the task and add another one to replace it, as you slowly make your way through your list.[2]
    • Making these notes is a great way to regain control over your projects. You are once again in charge of what tasks are a “must do” and when they should be completed.
  3. When you first arrive at your workplace, sit down at your desk and begin a task that is in progress or start a new one. Resist the urge to wander around and talk to your colleagues or hang out at the watercooler.[3]
    • This same approach is effective if you are working or studying from home. As soon as you get up in the morning, head into your workspace and keep going until you get a scheduled break.
  4. Target larger projects and look at how they can be performed in stages or parts. Perhaps you need to research the project first. Or, maybe you'll need to make a handful of phone calls to kick-start the task. This approach makes complex jobs seem just a bit less daunting.
    • For example, if you need to create a PowerPoint presentation, you'll need to research the subject matter, outline your slides, create your slides, and then proofread everything.
  5. You’ll have the most energy at the very start of the workday, so it makes sense to jump into your most challenging or difficult projects at that point. This will prevent you from putting them off. Select the sticky note task that requires some additional manpower and push to complete it.[4]
    • For example, if you are scared of giving presentations, it might help to prepare that PowerPoint presentation at the start of your workday. The adrenaline boost of the morning can help to balance out your anxiety.
  6. It’s important to set boundaries when you are fighting to keep up with your work. A good rule to follow is to ask yourself how a certain task fits within your larger career or life goals. If you can’t clearly answer that question in 30 seconds or less, then you should not take that task on.[5]
    • Always be polite when saying “no” to a task. It’s fine to say, “I’m making my way through a backlog. So, I really can’t help you right now.”
    • For example, even if you are swamped with work, you might want to say “yes” to a very rare and prestigious request to give a lecture or to present your work to shareholders.
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Getting Help From Others

  1. Choose a few projects that can be completed by someone else and really don’t require your special attention. It is best if these are jobs that are fairly straightforward and don’t require a ton of explanation. Then, approach a coworker or employee and ask for their help.
    • Only approach those people whose work you actually trust. The quality of their final product could reflect poorly or positively on you, so consider that when making your choice.
    • Offer a type of work exchange. You could say, “If you can finish these jobs up for me, I’d be happy to return the favor when I catch up on everything.”
    • Keep in mind that delegating can be a great way to give other employees opportunities to complete work and gain experience that they may not have access to otherwise. It can be a win-win situation for everyone.
  2. If you are struggling with a particular project, find a coworker who you respect and talk with them about your issues. Having these types of conversations will not make you seem lazy or incapable. Instead, it will build camaraderie with your colleagues and you might even get some good tips out of the talk, too.[6]
    • For example, you might say, “I’ve been working on this project for a few days and can’t quite wrap my head around this final part. Do you mind if I run it by you to see what you think?”
  3. While some deadlines are strict, others are more flexible. If you are feeling overwhelmed, assess which projects’ deadlines can be moved. Then, ask your boss if you can have an extension. Extending some deadlines may relieve some of your stress and allow you to complete your more urgent projects.[7]
    • When asking your boss for an extension, give them as much advance notice as you can. Briefly explain why you need the extension and offer to submit portions of the project that are already done.
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Maximizing Your Time

  1. When you are working, go through and silence and turn off as many of your electronic devices as you can. You might even go so far as to put a “do not disturb” sign on your door. This minimizes the temptation to take small social media or email breaks, which eventually add up to huge time wastes.
    • It’s a good idea to let your family and friends know that you are really swamped at work. Tell them that you will not be taking personal calls during business hours until you get caught up.
    • If you must check your email or voicemail for work, set specific times to do so. For example, fifteen minutes into every hour you will spend a maximum of five minutes looking at your emails and messages.
  2. If it is not feasible to shut off your email or phone long term, guarantee a chunk of work time by pushing a “no interruptions” rule. Set a timer for 30 minutes (or the maximum time that you are comfortable with) and then work at a fast pace until the time runs out. When the timer dings, that is the signal to your coworkers that you are available again for conversation.[8]
    • If you are in a loud or very busy environment, you could try putting on headphones and listening to some non-distracting music or no music at all.
    • If your coworkers ask about this rule, you might say, “I’m really trying to cut into my work backlog this week. If you see me working with the timer on, if you can wait until it goes off to talk with me I’d really appreciate it.”
  3. Aim for one ten-minute break every two hours, aside from lunch. Set a timer on your phone to keep you on track. Squeeze out every bit of enjoyment from these few minutes. Take a quick walk outside. Close your eyes and just relax. Read a few pages of your favorite book. Do a few fast runs up and down the office stairs.[9]
  4. This may not be the most popular suggestion, but it can work wonders for your productivity. Make a decision to arrive at work 30 minutes earlier and leave 30 minutes later, or something similar. Keep up this pace until your backlog begins to disappear. Or, devote one weekend day just to tackling your to-do projects.[10]
    • Make sure to keep a proper work-life balance when extending hours. If you work too much, you run the risk of working slower and even suffering burn-out. Signs of burn-out include mood swings and caring less and less for your work. Your family might also comment if work takes up too much of your life.
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Avoiding Future Backlogs

  1. Try to go to sleep and wake up around the same time every day. Start and end your work on a strict schedule as well. This will help you to better estimate exactly how much you can accomplish each day.[11]
    • For example, wake up at 7:30 each morning so you can get to the office by 9 a.m. to start your day. Consistently leave the office at 5 p.m., as scheduled.
  2. As part of your prioritizing, set a goal for each day. Look at your list of tasks and commit to accomplishing at least three of those tasks. But, try not to overcommit yourself. Most capable people can only accomplish three to five tasks per day.[12]
  3. There are many downloadable planners available free or by purchase for your phone or computer. Read online reviews of your different options, paying particular attention to the features available and costs. Download two different apps and use them for a week to see which one is the best for you.[13]
    • Using this app for all of your scheduling and appointments will allow you to direct your brainpower toward more challenging tasks.
  4. Make sure to eat at least three healthy meals a day. Aim for three to five 30-minute work-out sessions each week. Get at least eight hours of sleep per night. Treating your body the right way will help it to perform well when you need it to.[14]
    • Creating a ritual to de-stress at the end of each week is also helpful. For example, go see a movie or meet for drinks with your coworkers.

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  • As you make your way through your work pile, stop and celebrate each little victory. Staying positive will help keep your work pace fast and thorough.[15]


  • It can be difficult to hurry through tasks if you are pushing for perfection. At some point it may be useful to sit down and consider what is a realistic expectation of your performance at work. Ask yourself: Are my expectations in line with reality?[16]

About this article

Elizabeth Douglas
Co-authored by:
CEO of wikiHow
This article was co-authored by Elizabeth Douglas. Elizabeth Douglas is the CEO of wikiHow. Elizabeth has over 15 years of experience working and managing teams in the tech industry. She has held roles in multiple areas, including computer engineering, user experience, and product management. She received her BS in Computer Science and her Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Stanford University. This article has been viewed 38,354 times.
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Co-authors: 6
Updated: October 15, 2020
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