Partner Yoga Poses For Friends and Lovers
This Valentine's Day, forget the chocolate and flowers. Spend some time together connecting with your favorite person by doing some partner yoga. Move through this 10-posture sequence, and not only will you experience a deep stretch in your muscles, but you'll deepen the connection with your loved one as well. Source: Instagram user brigittabecker
Arching Heart
This heart-shaped pose will not only increase flexibility in your spine, but opening the chest and shoulders also makes you feel lightness and love in your heart.
Double Standing Forward Bend
Get over the fact that your bums are touching in Double Standing Forward Bend, because you'll experience one of the most amazing hamstring stretches.
Double Down Dog
This Down Dog partner pose feels great for both people. The person on the bottom gets a nice lower-back release and can deepen the stretch in the hamstrings. And the person on top gets to work on their upper-body strength in preparation for doing handstands.
Down Dog Bow
It feels wonderful to have some weight on your hips in Down Dog, and for your partner on top, she'll get to feel weightless as she stretches the front of her body and increases flexibility in her spine.
Double Sandwich
Seated Forward Bend is an intense stretch when you do it on your own, but when you press the soles of your feet together with someone else and clasp hands, it takes intense to a whole new level.
Double Wide Boat
Practicing Wide Boat pose with someone else will deepen the stretch in your hamstrings while working your core.
Child's Pose Lounge
This relaxing partner yoga pose gives one person an amazingly deep stretch in the lower back and stretches the abs, chest, and arms of the person on top.
Double Gate
I love to stretch the sides of my body, especially after I've done some core work, but I can never get as deep a stretch on my own as I can doing Double Gate pose with a partner.
Down Dog Scorpion
This Down Dog variation looks much more complicated than it actually is, so give it a try. It offers the person in Down Dog a deep hamstring stretch, and for the person in Handstand Scorpion, leaning her belly on her partner's back allows her to feel stable enough to really work on arching her spine to bring the feet closer to the head.