Hidden food allergens are responsible for countless allergic reactions every year. Unfortunately, due to the complicated and varied processes that go into the creation of most foods, it is extremely hard to identify all potential allergens. However, by being careful when you eat outside your home, showing care when buying food at the grocery store, and learning about manufacturing and label processes, you’ll better be able to avoid hidden allergens in food.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Being Aware of the Manufacturing Process

  1. There are a wide variety of allergens, many potentially hidden in the manufacturing process, that may trigger severe allergic reactions. By learning about the most common hidden allergens, you’ll be better equipped to avoid them. The eight most common allergens are:[1]
    • Soy
    • Shellfish
    • Fish
    • Milk
    • Peanuts
    • Tree nuts
    • Wheat
    • Eggs
  2. Without knowing the names of different allergens and allergen-derived products, you won't be able to avoid the things you are allergic to. Be sure to read food labels and ingredient lists on all products before consuming them. Depending on your allergy, you'll want to keep an eye out for certain ingredients or products.
  3. This is especially important since many companies use the same equipment to produce a wide variety of products. As a result, show caution when consuming products that might be manufactured on equipment contaminated with allergens you are allergic to. Shared equipment is often used to produce the following products:
    • Ice cream, milk, peanuts, and tree nuts
    • Pasta and eggs
    • Tree nuts, peanuts, and baked goods
    • Tree nuts and cereal
  4. Sometimes companies will either accidentally add allergens to products or switch components without changing labeling or alerting consumers. By learning about these potentialities, you’ll be able to safeguard yourself and your family.[2]
    • Show caution when purchasing brands that have previously mislabeled food.
    • Understand that “may contain” labels indicate that hidden allergens may be present in food.
    • Some recent cases of mislabeling include M&Ms in 2014 and Winco salad dressing in 2016.
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Avoiding Allergens While Eating Out

  1. Make sure to pick a restaurant with a solid reputation of being conscientious about food allergens. By picking the right restaurant, you'll drastically reduce the chances of your server getting your order wrong or your meal being contaminated with hidden allergens. You can even look for restaurants that advertise themselves as gluten-free (if you have a wheat allergy) or vegan (if you have a fish or milk allergy), which can help you avoid your allergens with confidence.[3]
    • Ask friends and others you know. Your friends, family, and even your allergist may be able to make recommendations about safe places to eat.
    • Avoid restaurants with a one-size-fits-all approach. The more time the server spends taking your order and the cook spends preparing it, the less likely it will contain hidden allergens. For example, avoid buffets or establishments where the food is prepared before you order.
    • Stay away from establishments that are likely to cross-contaminate food. For example, avoid bakeries or even Asian restaurants that might favor ingredients like peanuts.
    • Favor national chains where ingredients are the same or places you've eaten successfully before.
  2. Before you arrive for your meal, call the restaurant and talk to them about your allergies. By contacting them before hand, you'll get a lot of information about whether or not they can accommodate you.[4]
    • Try to call at slow time, like before the lunch rush (10am to 11am) or in the middle of the afternoon (like 2pm to 4pm).
    • Ask them explicitly whether they can accommodate you. For instance, say "Hello, I'm interested in eating at your establishment. Has your staff been trained or educated about food allergies?"
    • Let them know what you are allergic to.
  3. The busier the restaurant, the higher the chance that a server or someone preparing your food will overlook your needs.[5]
    • If you are not familiar with the restaurant, call and ask when they are most busy — avoid these times and days.
    • Many restaurants are typically slower Monday through Thursday.
    • If you're going for breakfast, try to arrive after the rush, around 9am. If you are going for lunch, arrive early (around 11am) or late (after 1pm). If you are eating out for dinner, arrive early (5pm) or late (after 8pm).
  4. Chef cards are small pieces of paper, sometimes laminated, that list your allergies and provide specific instructions about how your food should be prepared. They are increasingly popular among people who have serious allergies.[6]
    • List all relevant information about your allergy on the chef card. For example, if you are allergic to shellfish or peanuts, list that.
    • Include relevant medical information as well. For example, if you have an allergy to certain medicines like sulfa drugs, list them. If you may need an epipen injection after consuming peanuts, include that information.
  5. By explaining your allergy to restaurant staff or whoever is preparing your food, you’ll make sure that they have all the information they need to make sure that your food does not contain anything to which you are allergic.
    • Tell them that even minor contamination may be a trigger for your allergy.
    • List all ingredients you are allergic to. For instance, if you are allergic to peanuts and shellfish, tell them.
    • Make sure they understand the severity of your allergy. Let them know if peanuts cause you to go into anaphylactic shock.
    • If you have a severe allergy, explain that even the simplest contamination (such as baking your dish in an oven next to another dish that contains the allergen) could set off a serious allergic reaction.
  6. While explaining your allergy is a necessity, you also need to be proactive when it comes to discerning the ingredients in whatever you order. Ultimately, asking about ingredients is the only way you’ll be able to verify the absence of food allergens in your food.
    • See if the server or manager can tell you what is in a specific dish. For instance, if you are allergic to dairy, ask “Does this dish contain any dairy products?”
    • If you want, ask the server for a list of ingredients. This way, you can feel more confident about what you are eating.
    • Ask whether the entire dish is made in-house. If part of the dish is made by a third party, the restaurant or person may not have enough information to answer your question.
    • If possible, see if you can talk to the chef about ingredients.
  7. Although it is critical to determine the ingredients of any dish, you should also inquire about the preparation of your food. Ultimately, the preparation process makes contamination and the introduction of food allergens possible.
    • While you may spend most of your time communicating with your server, see if it is possible to briefly speak with the chef and/or manager.
    • Ask if they use separate equipment for certain ingredients. For instance, do they prepare and bake oatmeal cookies on separate equipment than peanut butter cookies?
    • Find out if they take steps to separate potential allergens from other foods. For instance, do they store peanuts and tree nuts in a separate pantry or part of the kitchen from other foods?
  8. In some cases, you may not be able to eat at certain establishments. Ultimately, if the person preparing the food can’t explain what is in their food or their preparation methods, then you are best off not eating the food. Don’t eat out if:
    • Waiters, cooks, or others who prepare the food can’t confidently answer your questions.
    • A certain food establishment is unwilling to provide you with information about their ingredients or how they prepare the food.
    • The restaurant or person in question uses preparation methods that are likely to introduce allergens into your food. For instance, if they don’t clean their equipment properly or store potential allergens nearby other foods.
    • You have had an allergic reaction at the location already.
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Buying Food at the Grocery Store

  1. There are specific brands that have a reputation as companies that are sensitive to individual dietary needs. Try to identify these brands and the foods they make if you have specific allergies.
    • Brands that manufacture food in facilities free from the eight most common allergens include: Gerbs, Amanda’s Own Confections, and No Whey Foods.
    • Brands that manufacture food in facilities from free peanuts, tree nuts, and eggs include: Herr’s, UTZ Quality Foods, and Wise.
    • Look for labeling that indicates a food was manufactured in an allergen-free environment.
  2. By knowing common labelling terms, you’ll be able to discern products that are safe from products that may contain hidden allergens.
    • Gluten-free. This term is used to identify foods free from wheat, barley, rye, and triticale.
    • Vegan. Items labeled vegan are free from all animal products. Thus, people who are allergic to dairy or allergic to fish or shellfish can rely on vegan products.
    • Kosher. This label can give you a lot of information about potential allergens like dairy and fish. For instance, foods marked "OU" lack dairy and meat, foods marked "OU-D" include dairy products, foods marked OU-M have meat but no dairy, and foods marked "OU-F" include fish as an ingredient.
    • ”May contain.” This term indicates that the manufacturer cannot guarantee the product is free from hidden allergens.
  3. Your smartphone is one of the best tools to verify if a product might be free of hidden allergens. Use your smartphone whenever you have a question about a brand or a specific product.
    • Consult lists of allergen-free foods like the one at snacksafely.com.
    • Use your phone to look up the meaning of ingredients you might not understand. For instance, you may need to look up the meaning of “lecithin” — a generic name for fatty tissue. This ingredient is derived from eggs.
    • Do an internet search of a specific product with the key term “allergens.” You might find relevant information.
    • Use apps to help you avoid hidden allergens.
  4. While all food sold in the United States or European Union must conform to regulatory standards of those entities, you may come across food that does not. Avoid this food completely.[7]
    • Stay away from food that does not have ingredient and nutritional information.
    • If food does not bear language stating it complies with regulatory standards of your region, don’t buy it.
    • Avoid food with labeling that is in a language you can't read.

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About this article

Courtney Fose, RD, MS
Co-authored by:
Master's Degree, Clinical Nutrition, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
This article was co-authored by Courtney Fose, RD, MS. Courtney Fose is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Nutrition Support Clinician at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. She has worked as a Dietitian since 2009, and received her MS in Clinical Nutrition from the University of Arkansas in 2016. This article has been viewed 16,667 times.
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Co-authors: 13
Updated: May 25, 2021
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