Here’s How to Get a Full-Body Workout at the Gym <br>Using Just a Rowing Machine
Regardless of where you live, the scene at the gym can be fairly predictable, (certainly in the evening): lines of athletes waiting to get on the treadmills and ellipticals, with a sprinkling of people using the upright and recumbent bikes. It can be frustrating to walk into the cardio room and see it overflowing, especially if you're looking to get your heart rate up and are strapped for time. By using one of the most underused machines at the gym, however, you can outsmart everyone and log a great sweat session.
Up ahead, we'll show you everything you need to get an A+ workout using the rowing machine. Consider this plan your new body coach.
The Row (5- to 10-minute warmup)
Before you start your workout you'll want to warm up, and the rower is a great way to get your blood flowing fast. It's also supercritical that you learn how to use it to avoid injury. Below are some steps to follow to get into proper rowing form:
Beginning Position
- Place your feet on the pads, and be sure the straps are pulled tight.
- Using an overhand grip, grab the handle and pull it with you as you slide to the back of the machine. Your legs will be straight but do not lock the joints. You want a slight bend.
- Still with legs extended, keep your core tight and lean back slightly, pulling your hands to your breastbone.
The Catch
- With your back still straight, release your arms back out first, then follow with your upper body.
- As you glide forward, your upper body will angle slightly forward.
- Let your legs follow by bending them. This will slide you forward on the seat.
Plank to Pike 8 to 10 reps (or as many as you can)
You've completed your warmup and can now rethink how you use the machine. People in the gym will be in awe as you work your core stabilizers. This move is full body, so you'll activate your shoulders as well. Here's the proper form for the plank to pike:
- Begin by facing away from the handle.
- Place your hands on the ground directly behind the seat, and get into a plank position with your feet on the seat of the rower. Be sure to keep your shoulders engaged without hunching them (they should be back and down).
- With your core tight and legs straight, slowly pike your hips up toward the ceiling (your arms shouldn't move) until your body is in an upside down “V” shape. Bring your hips as high as you're comfortable without losing form.
- Slowly lower back down into plank position, keeping your core engaged.
- You have completed one rep.
Bicep Curls (10 to 12 reps)
You've worked your core so give it a rest and transition to the arms. To add a lower leg challenge, we're adding in an isometric squat. Here's the proper form for the bicep curl:
- Begin by facing the handle.
- Place one foot on each side of the seat (the track should be between your legs).
- Bend both legs into a squat position, and grab the handle.
- With relaxed shoulders, keep your elbows at chest height with palms facing up, then slowly curl your hands toward the shoulders. (Take a step toward or away from the rower to play with resistance.)
- Holding the squat, release arms out, keeping elbows raised.
- You have completed one rep.
Single-Leg Hamstring Curl (8 to 10 reps)
Your last and final move is going to completely isolate and fatigue your hamstrings. Since you'll be bridging at the hips, you'll also fire up your core and back. Here's the proper form for the single-leg hamstring curl:
- Begin by lying down, face up, directly behind the rower (the seat should be close to you).
- Place one leg flat on the floor.
- Bend the other leg, and place your heel on the seat.
- Bridging your hips evenly up toward the ceiling, slowly press the foot on the seat forward, keeping a bend at the knee.
- Engage your hamstrings, and bring your foot back toward your butt without lowering your hips.
- You have completed one rep.
Bear Crunches (8-10 reps)
Just when you thought you were down with ab work, we have one more move for you. Here's the proper form for the Bear Crunch.
- Begin by facing away from the handle.
- Place your hands on the ground directly behind the seat, and get into a plank position with your feet on the seat of the rower. Be sure to keep your shoulders engaged without hunching them (they should be back and down).
- With your core tight and legs straight, rather than piking your hips up toward the ceiling like you did before, you're going to bring your knees in toward your chest.
- Slowly return legs to plank position, keeping your core engaged.
- You have completed one rep.
Post Workout Essentials
Once you've finished working out and stretching, it's time to head to the locker room. Make sure your bag has everything in it you need, from facial wipes to a small hand towel to a slimming and firming skin-care product that will enhance your workout experience.
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