Dental Implants in St. Augustine, FL

Diagram of dental implants in St. Augustine, FLDental implants are one of the most amazing innovations of modern dentistry. If you are missing teeth and need a dentist in St. Augustine, Florida who does amazing dental implants, Dr. Jeremy Gordon is the doctor to see.

Why Would Someone Need a Dental Implant?

If you are missing a tooth or teeth and would like to restore your ability to chew, speak, and smile normally again, dental implants may be right for you. A single dental implant can replace a single tooth that is missing. However, if you are missing several teeth or all of your teeth, Dr. Gordon may discuss the option of mini implants.

What Are Dental Implants?

Traditional single tooth replacement implants are tooth root replacements that are surgically implanted into the jaw bone. Once healed, a fabricated tooth that has been matched to your smile is secured to the implant. The treatment time varies, however, and there are multiple appointments as well as healing time.

What Are Mini Implants?

Mini dental implants are great for patients who require more than one tooth replacement but want a more secure option than traditional partials or full dentures. A mini implant procedure is less invasive than a traditional implant procedure. Mini implants are attached to the jaw bone but are meant to lock a denture or partial in place rather than support individual teeth.  The procedure is less invasive and requires less recovery time. Often new appliances will need to be made to fit the implants, but sometimes dentures can be retrofitted.

Am I a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

If you are missing a tooth, several teeth, or even all of your teeth, dental implants in St. Augustine may be part of your smile solution. Not every patient is ready for implants, however. You must be in good overall health and have enough bone structure in your jaw to support the implant.  Dr. Gordon is happy to provide a consultation to see if you are a good candidate for implants.

Woman smilingWhat are the Benefits of Implants or Mini Implants?

There are several amazing benefits of dental implant placement:

  • You can smile confidently again
  • You don’t have to worry about your dentures or partial slipping or moving
  • You can easily eat your favorite foods
  • Implants function just like natural teeth
  • They help preserve the health of your natural teeth
  • Implants help prevent ‘sunken face’
  • Implants preserve the health of underlying gums and jawbone
  • Implants are long-lasting

If you are ready to get your smile back, give your St. Augustine dentist, Dr. Gordon at Gordon Dental Associates a call and make an appointment at (904) 460-0999.