Summertime means barbecues, vacations, leisure, and a break from ordinary routines. For some people, the extra leisure time and foods associated with summer may lead to weight gain, especially for those on break from school or work.[1] You can avoid summer weight gain by sticking to a set routine, choosing healthy foods, and staying active. You can also take advantage of all of the in-season produce to eat healthier over the summer. Resist the urge to splurge while on vacation and at barbecues, and commit to staying fit despite the lazy summer heat.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Sticking to a Summer Routine

  1. Do your best to stick to your normal sleeping habits, whether you have the entire summer or just a couple weeks off from school or work. Go to bed and wake up at the same times every day, and avoid sleeping too late. A change in routine can disrupt your workout and eating routines.[2]
    • If you sleep too late in the day, you’ll be less likely to be physically active and more likely to gain weight.
    • Getting the right amount of sleep will also help maintain your metabolism. Go for 7 to 9 hours if you’re an adult and at least 8 to 10 hours if you’re a teen or younger.
  2. Eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the same times every day will keep your metabolism in check. You’ll also be less likely to graze on unhealthy snacks throughout the day.[3]
    • If you do snack between meals, go for healthy options, like Greek yogurt with fresh blueberries or 10 to 15 raw nuts.[4]
  3. Summer is a great time to get more physical activity in because the days are longer and the weather is warmer. For some people, the warm weather and a lack of routine can make it difficult to follow an exercise regimen. However, you should keep up with your workouts, or start exercising if you don't already. Whether you go on brisk walks, jog, or ride your bike, try to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day.
    • Try out new activities to get more exercise during the summer. For example, you could go for a hike, go swimming, have a water balloon fight with friends, or run through sprinklers with your kids or pets.
    • Try using a physical activity diary to track your workouts and hold yourself accountable:
    • Talk to your doctor before taking on a new exercise regimen, especially if you have an existing condition, like heart or joint issues.
  4. If you have extra time on your hands during the summer, committing to a new responsibility can help you resist the urge to lounge. A part-time job can keep you busy while offering extra cash. You could also volunteer for a cause dear to you, like at your local animal shelter or soup kitchen.[5]
    • Taking on a new responsibility will leave you with less time to sit around and snack.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Eating Healthy on Holiday

  1. Summer is a great time to get more fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet because they are more plentiful during this time. Try visiting your local farmers’ market or a farm stand once per week to find fresh, seasonal produce.
    • Fresh fruits and vegetables are usually cheaper when you buy them from a farmers’ market or farm stand.
  2. Use an app or another resource to help determine how much you need to eat to maintain your ideal weight. For example, you can put together a personalized plan using the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Super Tracker:
  3. From sweetened ice tea to margaritas, high-calorie summertime drinks tempt people of all ages. Make water your go-to beverage to keep your calorie count in check. Staying hydrated is also vital during the summer heat and helps offset salty summer staples, like hot dogs and chips.[6]
    • Drink unsweetened iced tea or water with lemon instead of high-calorie drinks.
  4. If you do go for alcoholic beverages, choose lower-calorie items, like dry wine, light beer, or cocktails made with no-calorie mixers, like a vodka with club soda and lime. Alcohol also lowers your inhibitions, so the more you drink the more likely you’ll be to eat unhealthy foods.[7]
    • Try not to drink before 5 pm, even if you’re on vacation. Drinking too early will make you more likely to laze around all day.
  5. When you attend summer barbecues, don’t hang out near the food table. Sitting or standing close to the food will encourage you to keep eating as long as it’s out, which, during a barbecue, is typically several hours. Do your best to find a seat facing away from the buffet and keep it out of sight as much as possible.[8]
    • Keep in mind that it is fine to load up on fresh fruits and grilled veggies. These are some of the healthier choices that you might find on a barbeque buffet.
  6. Burgers and hot dogs are barbecue standards, but they’re not lean and come with high calorie buns and condiments. Instead, look for grilled seafood, like shrimp or salmon. If no seafood is available, or if you don’t like it, look for leaner meats, like grilled chicken breast and turkey dogs.[9]
    • Try grilling seafood and other lean meats for a healthy barbeque option.
  7. Do your homework before eating out, whether you’re out of town or want to enjoy the patio of your favorite neighborhood eatery. Find their menu online, and look for choices that are consistent with your dietary goals. Knowing your healthy options ahead of time will help you avoid the temptation of a richer meal.[10]
    • Go for restaurants with menu sections that list healthy choices. Avoid fast food and all you can eat buffets.
  8. Designate a day or two every now and then to splurge. Sample local cuisine if you’re out of town or have an ice cream cone with sprinkles. Try not to completely abandon your dietary goals, but give yourself permission to let loose a bit.[11]
    • Giving yourself a limited opportunity to splurge can help you avoid overdoing it the rest of the time.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Staying Active During Summer

  1. Try to establish rules for yourself and your household about watching television, playing on the computer, and using mobile devices. You’re typically inactive during screen time, and watching TV and movies also encourages unhealthy snacking. Try to limit screen time to a couple hours at night so you can stay as active as possible during the day.[12]
  2. Don’t skip your workout if it’s too hot to go for a run or exercise outdoors. Instead, go to the gym, run on an indoor track, or go swimming.[13]
    • If it's too hot by the late morning or afternoon, you can also try exercising outdoors in the early morning or later in the evening.
    • We tend to walk and move slower when we’re outside in the heat. Missing out on more strenuous forms of aerobic exercise can lead to weight gain.
  3. Play outdoors with your kids or pets. Try having field days, in which you play your favorite sports or outdoor games, in the backyard or a nearby park. Go for hikes, brisk walks, or take on a new recreational hobby or activity together, like swimming or kayaking.[14]
  4. Look for a nearby instructional or informal sports league, like soccer, softball, baseball, or kickball. Practices and games will help you develop a routine, keep yourself occupied, and stay in shape. If you don’t like sports, consider joining another community activity, like a bike group or jogging club.[15]
    • Search online for a local community or recreation center and ask about age-appropriate summer leagues and activities for you or your family. You can also ask your neighborhood association about informal bike or jogging clubs in your area.

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About this article

Courtney Fose, RD, MS
Co-authored by:
Master's Degree, Clinical Nutrition, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
This article was co-authored by Courtney Fose, RD, MS. Courtney Fose is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Nutrition Support Clinician at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. She has worked as a Dietitian since 2009, and received her MS in Clinical Nutrition from the University of Arkansas in 2016. This article has been viewed 45,442 times.
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Updated: May 25, 2021
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