3 Ways to Increase Site Traffic Outside of Traditional SEO

We all know that SEO is one of the most basic forms for ranking in Google and getting traffic to your site. We also know that there are more than a billion active sites on the internet today, all of which are creating content daily and making it harder to rank your site in the process.

With all of this in mind, focusing solely on Google organic search rankings might not be the best use of your time and resources. Granted, if you have an established site or know how to rank well, it still works like a charm for receiving high-quality free traffic. However, if you have a new website or one that doesn’t have that great of a DA or PA, ranking simply won’t be that easy.

The good news is that there are thousands of ways to increase traffic to your site without relying solely on SEO. Today I’m going to share a few examples of what’s working for other sites and how you can try and replicate the same results.

Localize Your Online Business and Google Listings

In addition to providing you with results for anything you can possibly think of, Google also wants to be your local guide to everything in your area as well. This is where ‘Google My Business‘ comes into play.

Nearly every local business is now already online, whether they like it or not. The difference between those who rank through organic local results and with ratings/reviews in place is those who verify their accounts and information. This can clearly be seen when you search for anything in your area, especially restaurants.

Need some help with your local search rankings or business listings? Take a look at these local SEO ranking factors for 2017 and make sure your local or retail business has the right content, keyword, targeting and data in place for Google to properly rank your site. Even if you don’t see a ton of traffic coming from these local search rankings, they can bring a lot more local customers right to your business local.

Google Video Rankings

We all know how massive and huge YouTube is for online video and how it attracts billions of views daily, but don’t forget that Google owns YouTube and pushes a ton of traffic to video through search rankings as well. If you need any inclination of how well video can start boosting your own traffic and earnings, just take a look at John’s video results as of lately.

Perform a Google video search for anything and you will find a wide range of video results. However… if you look closely enough you will soon realize that not all Google Video rankings are only focused on YouTube videos. Not only that, but many websites rank for video content while sending users directly to their site (ie: Time.com in the screenshot below).

Keep in mind, just like everything else with Google, ranking is easier said than done. If you aren’t currently using online video with your content creation and marketing, you are already missing out big time. Now that you’ve likely discovered you can rank more often in Google through the use of Video Results, you are missing out even more.

Rank in Google News

Billions of people are searching Google every day for whatever it is they might be looking for. Hundreds of millions of people are using other Google search options as well… such as those tabs for dedicated searches specifically for Images, News and Video and Shopping.

While anyone can rank in Google, it takes some time, effort and approval to start appearing within the Google News section. Granted, if you can work your way in here, you can see a nice flow of traffic outside of your traditional free organic listings.

Want to see a perfect example of this? Run a Google News search for “android news” and you will get all the latest updates and news on everything Android from sites like CNBC and other big media outlets. You will also find some popular blogs in the mix too, such as Android News, a blog focused on everything Android and Smartphones.

It’s also important to note that any website or blog can make it into Google News, but only if they follow the guidelines in place and meet the needs of what Google is currently looking for. To learn more about this process, I recommend you refer to this article on how to get listed in Google News from Search Engine Journal.

If you’d like to learn more about how to rank videos in YouTube and Google, check out these five video SEO guides.

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