All you can do is the best you can do.

bomberqueen17 on AO3 and Instagram, dragonladyB17 on Twitter, dragonlady7 on Dreamwidth, find me on Dreamwidth mostly

Apr 20

I don’t really understand how challenges and themed weeks and stuff work, I just don’t. I accept this about myself: I don’t understand. I’m bad at community-building, I don’t do prompts properly, I can’t figure out how the fuck to follow basic directions. I can’t even manage Yuletide; every year I look at it and read the guidelines and find a breakdown post to explain it, and then rub my eyes and shut the window and move on, because I just

I don’t get it. I don’t. I’m missing some part of it somehow and I don’t fucking understand it.

(The main problem with Yuletide, I think, is that it assumes that everyone is a fan of a lot of things. Listen. Listen. I’ve read twelve books in my entire life and ten of them were for school. I have watched one (1) television show in my life and average two (2) movies per annum. I don’t know what the fuck any of those fandoms are. Most of Tumblr is an incomprehensible mass to me. By the way, if I follow you and you post gifsets from TV shows and don’t tag what TV show they’re from, fuck you, that’s mean, but I’m not going to call you individually on it because guess what, it’s all of you. I have no idea what’s going on and that’s okay, I’m basically a giant golden retriever anyway. I kind of galumph through my dashboard PostBlocking things and breaking shit with my wagging tail. I have written in five fandoms total in my life and that is because those are literally the only media properties I can reliably identify.)

Anyway. Anyway

I wanted to participate in Bodhi Rook Week, which is currently ongoing. But since nobody seemed to really have any opinions about the thing I was writing with Bodhi and Shara, I was unable to bring myself to finish it in a timely fashion. I don’t think it worked with any of the themes anyway, so it wasn’t eligible, or how does that work??? 

But would it be weird to submit the Sled Dog Guy Mystery?? He’s the POV character, right?? There are modern AU things getting posted in that tag, I think that’s… a… theme? Is theme a thing?. Would that be weird? To add my own?

Remember that I don’t understand how these theme works work, and also have been raised with an instinctive horror of self-promotion, that is why I’m asking these things.

  1. seramarias said: I think it’d be good to put it out there, but I’m no expert either.
  2. sugarspiceandcursewords said: Yeahhhh, I have no idea. If I could write on a specific subject in a specific timeframe, that’d be great, but I have only managed to do that on rare occasions in my life and I don’t need any more deadlines in my head these days. I like that OTHER people make them work, but I don’t have the neurons.
  3. thebooksofansereg reblogged this from bomberqueen17 and added:
    My understanding is the theme week is out there and creators read the guidelines, create, link and post. And the theme...
  4. unicornduke said: I’ve never ever posted a thing during events because there usually isn’t enough warning and I’m a molasses writer when I even have the urge to write and I hate the prompts. idek I think they’re a thing if you’re into them but I’ve literally never understood yuletide ever. hopefully someone can answer your questions because it all seems confusing. I think people write things specifically for those events??? idek
  5. bomberqueen17 posted this