Kathleen Kennedy Says A Lot Of Women Who Step Into STAR WARS Struggle Due To Male Dominated Fanbase

Kathleen Kennedy Says "A Lot Of Women Who Step Into STAR WARS Struggle" Due To "Male Dominated" Fanbase

STAR WARS: Carrie Fisher's Friend Believes Studio Pressure To Lose Weight For Sequels Contributed To Her Death
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STAR WARS: Carrie Fisher's Friend Believes Studio Pressure To Lose Weight For Sequels Contributed To Her Death

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THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 4/20/2017, 2:55 AM
Well that was a terrible choice to make. Plain and simple.
KungFuKoala - 4/20/2017, 2:58 AM
Slow news day?
kylo0607 - 4/20/2017, 3:13 AM
Not a big deal. People nowadays lose their minds over the smallest stuff. It's not a significant thing that breaks continuity, so what's the fuzz about???
Mark45 - 4/20/2017, 6:53 PM
@kylo0607 - it's Star Wars. The "fans" will complain about everything. I feel like nobody in my fandom has any optimism anymore.
kylo0607 - 4/20/2017, 10:19 PM
@Mark45 - I believe this is the modern approach now - to hate everything or at least to be skeptical about everything.

But hey, it's their loss. As a huge SW fan, I enjoy everything Disney/Lucasfilm have delivered so far. I prefer to take the most of it and enjoy rather than ruin my fun and constantly complain.
Mark45 - 4/21/2017, 12:13 AM
@kylo0607 - Exactly. Star Wars is back in a big way, so why not spend our time enjoying it?
connorblaze - 4/20/2017, 3:22 AM
A 'pretty significant change' to his appearance? His scar moved two inches to the left. Hahaha what clickbait bullshit.

Anyway I really loved Force Awakens, mainly for Rey, Finn and Poe. But Kylo Ren was one extremely shitty villain. His look was dull (after Darth Vader, Darth Maul etc the bar is higher than that generic crap they came up with). He wasn't intimidating, interesting or charismatic. He was predictable and easily defeated. His lightsaber had a kind of cool design, but what a stupid, pointless design. You can nick someones cheek if you get lucky with the mini blade, and the only trade off is you have a 50% higher risk of cutting your own hand off by accident!

Guy had no redeeming qualities as a villain. I mean he killed Han [frick]ing Solo and he was still boring and lame.
Jaspion - 4/20/2017, 6:37 AM
I loved Kylo Ren. Best character in the movie for me.
CaptainElrond - 4/20/2017, 3:24 AM
Kevwebsz - 4/20/2017, 4:19 AM
@AngryBillCipher - This is better. An ugly clear as day scar rather than a cat scratch.
Scarilian - 4/20/2017, 3:25 AM
So it wont from a deep gash going across his face that would have been a constant reminder of the fight with Rey and how close she came to killing him... to a minor scar over his eye that looks as deep/wide as a paper cut :L
Scarilian - 4/20/2017, 3:36 AM
@Scarilian - went*
Asturgis - 4/20/2017, 3:31 AM
Am I the only one who still doesn't understand why Adam Driver was chosen to portray a threatening badass Dark Jedi? Don't get me wrong, he seems to be a very nice guy, is an amazing actor, a very hard working man, and he was incredible in Silence and Inside Llewyn Davis, but he doesn't look the part at all. He looks like an overgrown teenager with a disgusting haircut going through Sith puberty.
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