Star Wars Battlefront 2 2017 trailer LEAK isn't the only HUGE Star Wars games news

STAR WARS Battlefront 2 looks like it will feature an epic single-player mode when the 2017 release date rolls around.

By Liam Martin, Gaming Editor

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 trailer screengrabEA

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 has a 2017 release date

The Star Wars Battlefront 2 2017 announcement trailer has leaked ahead of the weekend's big reveal.

The first Star Wars: Battlefront 2 trailer was scheduled to drop during the Star Wars Celebrations on April 15 at 7.30pm UK time.

But the brief Battlefront 2017 teaser trailer was posted early, revealing new gameplay details and pre-order bonuses, but no release date.

The trailer hints at a new single-player mode, telling fans that they will play an "untold soldier's story".

And it looks like the multiplayer has also been expanded. According to the trailer, fans will be able to battle across all eras.

Pre-order customers, meanwhile, will receive Star Wars: The Last Jedi heroes, which presumably means they'll be able to play as characters from the new film.

Interestingly, the leaked Star Wars: Battlefront 2 trailer isn't the only huge Star Wars games news to emerge this week.

TEASER: Star Wars Battlefront 2 TRAILER

Earlier this week it was suggested that BioWare was working on a brand new Knights of the Old Republic game.

Some speculated that the new Knights of the Old Republic was a remake, while others suggested that Knights of the Old Republic 3 was finally in development.

Unfortunately, however, it appears as though the rumours weren't entirely true.

According to Kotaku, BioWare had only prototyped a Knights of the Old Republic revival, and isn't currently working on a reboot.

If the reports are to be believed, BioWare is actually working on a new game called Dylan, which has drawn comparisons to Destiny.

While this may disappoint Knights of the Old Republic fans, the classic RPG series is clearly still on BioWare's radar, so don't be surprised if we see a new game in the future.

It was recently revealed that Star Wars Battlefront 2 2017 will be playable during EA’s E3 event this year.

More information has been released about the upcoming event, which will be separate from the official convention going on in LA.

EA Play tickets go on sale in April and will include a host of new titles that will be playable on the show floor.

This will include Star Wars Battlefront 2 2017, as well as other titles that have yet to be formally unveiled.

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