Even if you're not the biggest Doctor Who fan, chances are you've read the recent headlines about the Doctor's new companion being gay.
The news has been everywhere, reported across the world -- and showrunner Steven Moffat isn't happy about it.
Speaking at a Q&A that followed the premiere of Season 10, Episode 1, Moffat said they didn't know there would be all the fuss.
"And in a way, there shouldn't be," he added. "That's kind of nonsense. So just to be clear -- I've been saying this a lot today -- we are not expecting any kind of round of applause or pat on that back for that.
"That is the minimum level of representation you should have on television, and the correct response would be: 'What took you so long?'"

Moffat went on to say it's important not to make this kind of fuss in a children's show.
"You don't want young kids, who regard themselves as boring and normal and happen to fancy their own gender -- we don't want to make them feel as though there's some kind of special case," he said. "Because that's frightening."
When asked if she had anything to add, Pearl Mackie agreed with Moffat.
"I think Steven's covered it really," she said. "I mean, people are gay."
Topics Doctor Who