Doodly Doodles

Lazuli's doodle blog so that she doesn't spam her main blog.
Mostly League of Legends with occasional non-League stuff. Lots of girly headcanons that involve cute siblings and sloppy doodles. Also probably lots of typos, errors, and DravenxSona.
Commission Status: [CLOSED UNTIL SUMMER]
Wish List (ღˇ◡ˇ)~♥



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Busy working on new stuff for Lvl Up Expo, which is coming up in 2 weeks, but have a neon Sona of prosperity for good luck on your dash
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Busy working on new stuff for Lvl Up Expo, which is coming up in 2 weeks, but have a neon Sona of prosperity for good luck on your dash

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Sun April 23rd, 2017
1,232 notes
tagged as: league of legends. league. lol. sona. arcade sona. fanart. cute. girly things. neon. bright. bright colors.

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