This is the most rewarding thing about tumblr. Seeing that what you does matters to people years later. I don't know if any other platform will ever again realize the power of this.
I’m so hyped for tears of the kingdom, breath of the wild is my favorite game and some day i swear I’ll draw a better tribute than Lederhosen Link and Zelda
What Lin should have worn at Zhurrick’s wedding….
Most importantly; SIGN-UPS WILL BE OPEN FROM FEBRUARY 1st TO 28th
Do I branch out of Linzin? I have another week to decide on that :O Not sure if I know this ship well enough
Instead of making up shitty racist headcanons about Miles shoplifting join me in headcanoning him picking up ballet because he thought Gwen being a ballerina was super neat and it would help him in his spiderman job
Spider strength he can’t control + Lifts = Hilarity
Miles, muttering to himself: do not yeet the ballerina. do NOT yeet the ballerina
Jumps. JUMPS.
Miles frantically googling “How high can normal people jump??? How high can ballerinas jump?????? I don’t think I’m supposed to be able to jump straight up to the ceiling and also I keep getting stuck up there please help”
Once Mile’s spider sense pinged lightly about a balcony set and he told the crew master he had a bad feeling about it. The balcony collapsed later. No one was hurt, but now Miles has to go over sets and pronounce them clear of ‘bad feelings’
He’s not even good enough to be in shows yet, but nothing goes out without his seal of approval
honestly I have known so many stage managers and props department people who are Exactly This Superstitious. (And hell, in this case they’re not even wrong he literally has magic danger powers)
I’ve also known a few dancers, and without exception the reaction to finding out this boy can effortlessly hold them in a single arm lift or YEET them dozens of feet in the air (And catch them after!) would be PURE GLEE.
“Okay, Glynda, look, we all know he’s Spiderman. Kid’s terrible at hiding it. But imagine this. None of us tell him we know and none of us tell him how high ballerinas can really throw their partners. And each class we just keep on pretending like we’re impressed with how fast he’s improving but, y'know, he’s still got further to go.”
“Uhuh, yeah, I see that look in your eyes Glynda. You know exactly where I’m going with this. How high do you think Spiderman can throw you?”
“Okay, Glynda, stop giggling, the giggling is creepy. Dessie, please make her stop giggling.”
This is wonderful
One day, in the middle of ballet class, there was a robbery going on a block away, so of course Miles’ gotta rush over there to help out. He grabs his mask, but doesn’t have time to put on his whole suit because he said he was going to the bathroom and it’s be weird if he was gone for so long.
Cue Spider-Man kicking ass in pink ballet shoes and leggings.
This actually increased his popularity severely, and lots of people suddenly gained the interest in ballet; boys too, because if someone as cool as Spider-Man does it, everyone can do it.
When he’s back the instructors don’t comment on the rip in his shirt, the dirt on his shoes, or the smear of paint on his leggings. They make sure to treat the class afterwards. After all, it’s not every day that Spider-Man stops a bunch of bankrobbers and manages to do a high pirouette without crashing through the ceiling this time!
This keeps getting better!
Someone: *Attempts to comment on how weird it is that Miles can throw Glenda high enough she can touch the roof with her palm*
The Stage Manager:
Ballet companies starting rumours that Spiderman doesn’t actually has super powers, he’s just classically trained
You too could scale buildings if you would just practice regularly and focus on your core
This is delightful.
Yes. Just yes!
a sapphic take (haha) of Caitlyn and Vi for @caitvizine i did earlier this year! so glad to have been part of the team <3
leftover sales just opened i think so go grab some stuff if you haven't! come see them all in their gloryyyy
i wish things could be like this
By any chance do you have a larger photo of those Yue designs? I'm absolutely digging them
uhm... sadly i didn't at the time you asked me. but i do have now! so sorry for the longer wait;;;
the one i posted were really tiny and i was working anyway on these. it just took me a bit to get it done :D uhm... so here me playing dressup... with yue... again... sorry yue...
if i have to explain mayself... my thought process is basically... yue is the moon. so her dress is either the moon or the enviorment around or below her. and.... you know... fish...
-tries not to feel my ex profs glaring at me like "elaborate more dang it"-
also! all these option but if someone tells me to draw yue again i would still give her... a new outfit or just idk... because i can't pick!!!!
I have never been less ready for a kpop release
Drawtober 01 - what else to start with if not Lin?
Based of 'Lin in a bikini' for @ilovelin - although I will do a full body later this month, too 🤐
Accepting prompts for October (ATLA, LoK, Arcane, K-Pop)
I will be doing a very casual drawtober (every second day) and am open to suggestions. Feel free to use the question button or a quote retweet if you want to see something specific.
No guarantees of course!
'You are basically playing Lin Beifong as a cleaning lady, right?' My partner casually uncovered all my unconscious design intentions for my next character.
If the HBO Max shitshow teaches us anything at all, it should be that when it comes to streaming media, media piracy is media preservation.
Physical media is harder to erase. Download your favorite animated shows today. Burn that shit to DVD and share it with your friends. If the corporations won't produce physical media, it's up to us to do it ourselves.
Streaming exclusives are the enemy of media preservation and archiving. Nothing should be lost just because corporations don't respect the art they own. When piracy is the only option, it becomes vital to pirate, lest things get lost forever.
There are instances of lost media being found again because someone home-taped it. The torrent you seed, the episodes you download, could one day be the only reason your favorite streaming show wasn't lost forever.
Art is being destroyed. Workers are being exploited and abused. And at the end of it all, what's there to show for it? Nothing, because HBO Max is setting the precedent that you can just delete whatever you want, whenever you want, and not even tell the artists.
Animation workers aren't being respected as artists OR as workers, and shit like this is a perfect example.
Putting this tweet here from Ian Quartey-Jones, creator of OK KO - one of the shows affected by the HBO debacle:
as someone who works in the industry and is currently being directly impacted by what’s happening: please pirate stuff
From another one in the industry: YES, please! We all rather want you to keep loving (and pirating) our work instead of forgetting it and letting it die to shitty business practices. Showing these shows love NOW might be the best chance they have.
Returning to Tumblr after 5 years, I want to express how much I love the slowness of this platform. I adore it. Posting something at the wrong time? Not here! No invisible trash bucket for anything older than 24 hours. People might find it a month or even years later and guess what? They still like it. Other social media have taught us to put an expiry date on our online expressions
Thank you all for keeping this oasis of slow fan obsession rabbit holes alive
Cocona: the definition of being cute and badass at the same time (I wish I had more time than just a few minutes for these TT.TT they deserve more polish)
LOK but it's historic paintings
The Air master (based on Portrait of Girolamo Agucchi by Domenichino)
Knight Beifong (based on Joan of Arc is a painting by John Everett Millais)
The avatar after the flower ceremony (based on A Maiden With A Basket Of Roses by Eugen Von Blaas)
Portrait of young Lady Sato (based on Judith with the Head of Holofernes by Lucas Cranach the Elder)
Portrait of a Chief off Duty (based on Portrait of Mrs. Anthony Greatorex by Joseph Wright (of Derby))
This was waaaaay too much fun. I am sorry - there might be more of this to come.