
A is for Alphabet

Journalist, Madeleine Morley, takes us through the origins and modern applications of illustrated, illuminated and re-interpreted alphabets.

“A is for Alphabet” taken from issue 4 of The Recorder. An exclusive preview of the article on the Monotype blog now

“Decorated drop caps, miniatures in marginalia and illustrated initials – letterforms that go beyond the limits of legibility are present throughout history. From the very earliest symbols through to the intricately adorned designs of the Middle Ages – and up to contemporary image makers putting their own spin on type – Madeleine Morley takes in an A-Z of illustrated, illuminated and re-interpreted alphabets.”

Illustrated by the fantastic DR.ME the article also touches on work by Malika Favre (her Karma Sutra A-Z above) and Paul Pateman’s illustrative lettering for British Airways.

(via typeworship)

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