
Photo: AP
Child hurt in alleged chemical attack in Syria. Just another incident
Photo: AP

Free world is also to blame for mass murder in Syria

Op-ed: For decades, the international community—including Western states—has been showing forgiveness towards unenlightened states. For decades, human rights groups have been ignoring major human rights violations in the Muslim world.

The following article was written before the US strike on Syria on Friday.


Never again, many people thought after World War II. The mass and unnecessary slaughter, including the horrors of the Holocaust, encouraged the international community to create news rules for the game. One result was the Fourth Geneva Convention, which was aimed at protecting civilian populations. The murderous bombing in the Syrian town of Idlib—a chemical weapons attack—reminds us that there is a lot of talk but no action. What happened will happen again, and it will be even worse.



For a moment, it seemed as though a new, more ethical and more decent world was being created. Some 17 million people were killed in World War I, and about 40 percent of them were civilians. Some 64 million were killed in World War II, and about 60 percent of them were civilians. Never again, the international community hoped, and phrased the Geneva Convention.


Idlib, Syria. Not only is there no desire to stop the dreadful massacre, but there is no ability either (Photo: AFP)
Idlib, Syria. Not only is there no desire to stop the dreadful massacre, but there is no ability either (Photo: AFP)


There is no valid study pointing to the number of casualties in the wars that have taken place since World War II until today. There are different counting methods which lead to different results. According to a minimizing method, we are talking about 86 million people. According to a team of researchers of the American Public Health Association (APHA), we are talking about some 190 million people. There is a dispute over the number of innocent people among the dead. There is no dispute over the fact that there has been an increase from the two world wars.


One thing is clear: Neither the United Nations nor the Geneva Convention or the Human Rights Council or human rights organizations have managed to reduce the mass murder. The world is helpless in the face of Assad’s actions in Syria, just like it is helpless in the face of the mass hunger and mass death and destruction that the global jihad is leading in Nigeria, in Chad, in Cameroon, in Somalia, in Libya and more. Assad the murderer is even being justified, because the alternative to his rule could be one of the jihad branches, and not necessarily the Islamic State, which is the most murderous one of all. If that happens, there will be an even bigger massacre.


The sad truth is that not only is there no desire to stop the dreadful massacre, but there is no ability either. Because the free world has sentenced itself to paralysis. For decades, the international community—including Western states—has been showing forgiveness towards unenlightened states. For decades, human rights organizations have been ignoring major human rights violations in the Muslim world.


For decades, the activists of the “forces of progress” have been turning Israel into their punching bag. For more than a decade, they have been creating the impression or explicitly saying that Israel is the main cause of violence in the world. The result isn’t less killing. The result is more killing. Because it’s okay for Muslims. The massacre in Idlib is just another incident, and not the worst one. It joins dozens of other massacres. It joins 1.4 million children in Africa who have become refugees, and tens of thousands of them are on the verge of starvation because of the crimes of jihad. They are not in the headlines, because those talking in the name of human rights will continue to issue reports against Israel.


They must be blamed. For the lies, for the hypocrisy, for the disregard. Syrian President Bashar Assad and the jihad are not the only ones to blame for the mass murder. The free world, the UN, the Human Rights Council and human rights organizations are all responsible for it too.


(Translated and edited by Sandy Livak-Furmanski)


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