






@oh-punky - are you referring to Kat Lady’s “Prehensile”? Or another fic?

And then there’s the fic that involves her moving the plant into her quarters. (That one’s just out and out twisted lol.)

@cheile are you talking about the one.. with the “flowers”..? and if not.. do you have a link to the one with the “flowers”?

@cheile I was referring to that one but I read  the other one I think you’re referring to. The uh….janeway x sentient alien plant.

I wonder if that one had flowers. Now I need to re-read it. I think i read it on

There needs to be a book club but for fanfic :D

I remember one where she was given a plant by an alien dignitary or something and it sprouted *coughcough* several “stems” and she was suppsoed to get rid of the weakest ones until only one remained…and well it turned out to look exactly like a certain someone’s *coughcough* “stem”

@supernovacoffee - the one with the flowers is MaquisKat’s. It’s on AO3.

@emmikamikatze - the one you’re referring to I’m pretty sure was written by Delta. She’s moved all her stuff to AO3 as well.

Yes, yes, it was Katie, Katie, Quite Contrary – What Does Your Garden Grow?

YES! That’s the one I was looking for :D 

I don’t know why I was remembering the.. ‘stems’ growing out of flowers xD

@supernovacoffee - Here is MaquisKat’s Leaving Reality:

Pretty sure it grows flowers in this one….I seem to recall little flowers having minds of their own in this one XD

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  10. oh-punky said: @skeptical-starfish @rawkfemme @fbismostunwanted1158 can you pm me your email and I’ll send you a link to the group :-)
  11. oh-punky said: The corn porn started off great. The one where she’s talking to Phoebe and is going to see professor Chakotay. It just got uh… Super corn porn super fast. Literally went from zero to 60 once she got to her place. Started sort of sweet and ended up very very dirty lol
  12. jhelenoftrek said: @emmikamikatze , oh I’m sure I will, lol! Thanks!
  13. emmikamikatze reblogged this from jhelenoftrek and added:
    Well if you really want to:The Cream of the Crop ContestEnjoy!
  14. citrinekay reblogged this from cheile
  15. jhelenoftrek reblogged this from emmikamikatze and added:
    Corn porn? I don’t want to know. But yes, I do want to know. Directions and usage instructions, plz.
  16. fbismostunwanted1158 reblogged this from rawkfemme and added:
    I, too, wish to be a part of this beautiful alliance. I bring gifts of leoola root and alien alcohol. 😁
  17. rawkfemme reblogged this from emmikamikatze and added:
    I’m in.
  18. skeptical-starfish reblogged this from emmikamikatze and added:
    Sign me up too! This sounds amazing
  19. cheile reblogged this from oh-punky and added:
    (This is why we need transporters. Then we could do it for real.)I use Google hangouts (formerly known as GChat) for...
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