Squats are a great way to build muscles in your lower body. Doing 3x5 squats means doing three sets of five squats. You need to warm up beforehand to make sure you don't strain yourself. Use proper techniques when you do squats and rest between sets. Have rest days between days you weight train to maintain the routine long term.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Doing Bodyweight Squats

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Your hips should be over your knees and your knees should be over your ankles.[1]
    • As you won't be lying on the floor at any point when you're doing squats, they are okay to do on any surface. A mat is not necessary unless you're doing other activities afterwards.
  2. Engage or flex the muscles between your shoulder blades. Then, raise your arms forward. Hold them in a straight line so they're parallel to the ground.[2]
  3. Inhale and bring your hips back slowly. As you bring your hips back, bend your knees to lower your bottom to the floor. Keep your abs tight and your back straight. Lower your body as far to the floor as is comfortable for you.[3]
  4. You want to launch your body upwards by pushing down through your heels. Return to the original position, with your arms parallel to the floor and your feet about shoulder-width apart.[5]
  5. Three by five squats means you will do three repetitions of five squats. After you return to the original position, do four more squats to complete one set of five.[6]
  6. You should not do your sets too close together, as this can cause strain. Rest for 60 to 90 seconds between squats. You can count in your head or set a timer.[7]
  7. After repeating one set, do two more. Remember to rest in between sets for 60 to 90 seconds.[8]
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Adding Weights and Variations

  1. If one of your legs seems stronger than the other, you can build leg strength by doing single leg squats. Start by standing on one leg and slowly lower yourself into a squatting position. Make sure you keep the knee of your standing leg lined up with the foot.
    • You can use a pole or a wall to maintain your balance during single-leg squats, if necessary.
    • Remember to lower your body as low to the ground as possible when doing a squat. Stop if you feel uncomfortable.
  2. Adding a jump to your squat adds some cardio and forces you to work your muscles harder. Lower yourself downward like you're doing a regular squat. When you're about halfway down, propel yourself upward and jump so both of your feet are in the air. After you land, return to the starting position and repeat.[9]
    • For added variation, you can swing your arms in the air when you jump.
  3. To add weight, you will need a barbell. Start with only a light amount of weight, such as five pounds, to avoid straining yourself. You can add more weight with time. Place the bar across your back, holding your shoulders firm for support. Then, do your three by five repetitions as normal. Adding a little weight can increase muscle definition.[10]
    • Be conscious of keeping your back straight, shoulders square, and abs tight throughout the exercise.
  4. If you increase the time you're holding a weight, this will build more muscle. When lifting with a weight, pause at the bottom of your squat. Hold the position for two to six seconds before returning to the starting position. Do this for your regular three by five repetitions.[11]
    • Only pause for as long as is comfortable for you.
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Maintaining Your Routine Safely

  1. You want to make sure weight training is safe for you given your current fitness level. Make an appointment with your doctor to talk over weight training to find a safe routine for you given your current health. This is especially important if you have any underlying medical issues.
  2. It may be a good idea to talk to a trainer in your gym or watch videos online of people doing squats when you're starting out. It can take awhile to get the hang of the movements. If you're using improper technique, this can cause strain or injury.[12]
    • If you feel very sore after doing squats, you may be using improper techniques. Try consulting a trainer at your gym for guidance.
  3. Squats are a form of weight training. It's best to engage in weight training only two to three days a week. You should always have rest days in between. Do not do squats two days in a row, as this can cause injury.[13]
    • If you have very intense workouts, that incorporate intense aerobics in addition to squats, only opt for light activity on rest days. Go for brief walks, for example, but try to take it easy overall.[14]
    • If you only engage in light exercise, you can do more intense workouts on weight training rest days. For example, you can play sports outdoors or go for a light jog.
  4. You may not be able to complete a full three by five routine at first, especially if you're new to weight training. If you feel very sore or strained during a routine, stop. You should pay attention to your body's signals.[15]
    • If you feel pain when squatting, this is not normal. You should stop if you feel pain and rest for a day before trying again.
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Warming Up and Cooling Down

  1. You never want to engage in squats without doing some dynamic or active stretching first. To start, do some slow moves like burpees and downward dog yoga poses.
    • To do a burpee, raise your hands over your head. Then, lower your body to the ground. Place your weight on your hands while stretching your legs and feet backward, like you would before doing a pushup, and lower your body to the ground. Return to the starting position and repeat.
    • To do the downward dog pose, place your hands flat on the floor and make a triangle shape with your body. Hold the pose for as long as is comfortable. This should stretch your body for squats.
  2. Five minutes of light exercise is recommended before weight training. You can try something like five minutes on an elliptical machine or five minutes of light walking or jogging.[16]
  3. 3
    Cool down after doing squats. It’s important that you allow your muscles time to cool down after exercising, rather than just stopping abruptly. Walk or jog a few laps around the room or gym to cool down. Alternatively, spend 5 minutes on a treadmill or stair-stepper or try some walking lunges.[17]

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    Can squats make my butt look bigger?
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    Yes, they can.
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    How do I exercise my belly area?
    Community Answer
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    Any core exercises can help. I recommend doing planks and burpies.
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About this article

Tiffany Stafford, CPT
Co-authored by:
Life Coach, Personal Trainer, & Holistic Nutritionist
This article was co-authored by Tiffany Stafford, CPT. Tiffany Stafford is a Certified Personal Trainer, Holistic Nutritionist, and the Owner of LifeBODY Fitness, a personal training and small group training studio based in Hillsboro, Oregon. She has over 15 years of personal training and coaching experience. She specializes in wellness training, life coaching, and holistic nutrition teaching. She earned her personal training certification from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). This article has been viewed 13,804 times.
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Updated: June 25, 2020
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