Flatten Abs, Tone Arms, and Lift That Booty With a 5-Minute Bodyweight Workout

Barry's Bootcamp SF
Barry's Bootcamp SF

For the past couple months, we've been peering out at the new Barry's Bootcamp being built in the Financial District of San Francisco, just across the street from POPSUGAR Fitness — anxiously awaiting the day when we can spend our lunch breaks in the Malin+Goetz-scented, red-light-illuminated, mirrored halls of one of our favorite studios.

Shelley Sinegal, who will be one of our regular trainers at the new location, created an original workout just for you. This five-move bodyweight session combines a little bit of plyo, some cardio, and a lot of strength training to give you a total-body workout that'll tone your abs, whittle your waist, lift your booty, and strengthen your arms. You'll be done in just five minutes, but you'll still be feeling crazy sore the next day.

Squat Jack
Barry's Bootcamp SF

Squat Jack

"Using two of the largest muscle groups in the body — your butt and legs — this dynamic, explosive cardio movement will elevate your heart rate and set the tone for the entire workout!"

  • Start with your feet together and hands by your sides.
  • Jump straight up, spreading your feet wider than your hips to land with a deep bend in your knees (a squat position). Keep your chest lifted and your hips back (think knees behind the toes).
  • Jump back up to the starting position. Drive through your heels as you spring up from each squat.
  • Continue for 60 seconds.
Alternating Spider Plank With Push-Up
Barry's Bootcamp SF

Alternating Spider Plank With Push-Up

  • Holding a plank position, bring your right knee toward the outside of your right elbow using the obliques. Look to your knee as it pulls forward to more deeply engage the abs.
  • Step the foot back, and do a push-up.
  • Repeat on the left side.
  • Continue, alternating sides for 60 seconds.
  • For an advanced version, you can pull the knee toward the shoulder instead of the elbow. For a modified version, pike the hips back instead of the push-up between spider planks.
Push-Up to Side Plank With 2 Hip Dips
Barry's Bootcamp SF

Push-Up to Side Plank With 2 Hip Dips

  • Come to a straight-arm plank position (also known as tall plank or high plank), hands under the shoulders with fingertips facing forward.
  • Do one push-up. Keep the arms parallel to the body with elbows grazing the ribcage for your push-ups. You might not be able to come down as low, but you will tone your triceps!
  • Slide the right hand a few inches so it's below the center of the chest, and lift the left hand to the ceiling, stacking the hips. Keep feet staggered on the side plank to deepen the work.
  • Dip the hips toward the floor twice. Think six-inch movements down and up with the hips as you dip. For an advanced version, look toward your lifted hand during the hip dips.
  • Return back to the push-up position, and repeat on left side.
  • Continue, alternating sides for 60 seconds.
Forearm Plank Hip Dips
Barry's Bootcamp SF

Forearm Plank Hip Dips

  • Come to a forearm plank; pull your navel toward your spine, and tuck your hips under to find a perfect plank position. Make sure your neck is in line with the spine for proper form.
  • Alternate dipping the hips side to side in a slow, controlled motion. Rotate your hips until they are one inch off the ground on either side as you dip. Think about arching the hips like a rainbow when moving from side to side (think up and over).
  • Continue for 60 seconds.
Modified Burpee
Barry's Bootcamp SF

Modified Burpee

  • Start in a straight-arm plank position with hands under shoulders.
  • Jump the feet forward just outside of the hands.
  • Lift the chest as you stand from the squatted position. Always keep the chest lifted and hips back when coming into or out of the squatted position.
  • Lower the hands back down before jumping the feet back to your starting position.
  • This counts as one rep. For an advanced version, add a push-up in between reps.
  • Continue for 60 seconds. Go for it! Challenge yourself to finish the last 10 seconds with an added jump to boost the heart rate and caloric burn. Remember, Summer is just around the corner.
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Barry's Bootcamp SF

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