The Haunted Carousel [x]

I’ll let you in on a little fact about myself - I am terrified of heights. Really, seriously terrified. In fact, when my friends and I went to an amusement park, the only ride I could handle was the carousel. It’s nice and low, and doesn’t throw you up in the air and make it seem like your heart is about to fly out of your chest. I think part of the reason I like replaying CAR is getting to ride the carousel over and over to my heart’s content. I get my preferred amusement park experience without worrying about anyone dragging me onto a roller coaster. To create a look inspired by this game, pair a red polka dotted dress with a pale cardigan, red oxfords, a floppy sunhat, a scalloped satchel bag, and a carousel phone case. Sundae earrings, a carousel horse necklace, floral and pearl bracelets, a spoon ring, and a carousel ring complete the look. 

07-10 / 15:33 / 46 notes
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