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Grand Canyon sunset on the summer solstice 2016 [OC][3000x2000]

r/EarthPorn - Grand Canyon sunset on the summer solstice 2016 [OC][3000x2000]
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The rays from the sun complete this picture for me.

u/haydenny avatar

Fun fact: the "ray" effect is actually from shooting at a smaller aperture, so what you're really seeing is a "leaking" of the light from the sun through the overlapping blades of the diaphragm inside the camera.

u/astral_admiral avatar

Wow! Very cool, never knew!

Big whoop. Do more research like a big boy next time

u/uokaybruh avatar

Judging by this comment, and your post/comment history, you are a very unintelligent human being.

u/BorneOfStorms avatar

Really? I thought he was obviously a troll. I mean, that consistent effort, you know? Consistent downvotes, too.

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u/BPSmith511 avatar

Yup! And IIRC even numbered apertures give you the same number of rays as the aperture, wile odd numbers give you double. Also apparently straight bladed aperture diaphragms produce crisper stars vs curved blade, but I have yet to test this myself.

Fun fact: this is a 9-blade aperture.

Fun fact #2: odd numbers of blades create double the number of "rays".

u/flimspringfield avatar

I was actually going to ask why the light looks like rays vs a light looking like a half melon.

u/WildcardCOA avatar

I'm getting into photography, what does [OC] indicate? And are the numbers the pixel dimension, what kind of camera typically captures this. I have the cannon 80D in my checkout bag on Amazon, any tips?

u/WaftyChiseller avatar

The effect is also achieved using post layer packages such as Light Hits.

Which is cheating

u/rodsmithmotorcycles avatar


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u/gimpwiz avatar

Another fun fact: this is a composite. The canyon is far too bright compared to how bright the sun is. Good photo, but takes a bit of work in post.


Sorry, but this is a single exposure. I don't appreciate you making false accusations across multiple comments. Here's a screenshot of the raw

u/gimpwiz avatar

Seems legit. I find it hard to believe but alright.

u/fakeyes avatar

Its because you use GIMP.

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What were your camera settings? Honestly your RAW image looks a lot better than your edited image. IMO you edited it way too much.

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u/HsalpstruC avatar


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u/idkdang avatar

Always been my dream to go to the Grand Canyon. I've heard it almost looks fake, like a movie backdrop.

u/shadowscar00 avatar

Bro when you get there, your mind is gonna be fucked. You won't be able to comprehend its size for like an hour. I went a few years back (we went on one of the tours. Hopped off the train that takes you there and got straight on the bus, didn't see the canyon at all until then.) And as soon as the canyon came into view, everyone on the tour bus either gasped really loudly or said an expletive.

u/ThorsChonies avatar

This. Even a great pic like this can't come close to the real thing. It's truly amazing in person. Wish I had pics on this phone of the big fat rattle snakes I saw or I would share them.

u/idkdang avatar

I was hoping to go this summer, but I just opened a restaurant so it's looking less and less likely everyday. I had a friend go a few weeks go. He sent me a picture and it literally looked fake.

u/shadowscar00 avatar

If you go, you gotta go big. Take the train (best class you can get), stay in El Tovar, take the bus tour, hike down on the mules (I didn't get to do that, I was under 18 and my parents weigh too much to go. If you go, hit a homegirl up.). Whole nine yards. Even if you can't afford everything TAKE THE TRAIN THERE AND BACK. And carry cash. All cash. ESPECIALLY ON THE TRAIN. I won't say why, but boy oh boy.

u/DoctorRobert420 avatar

don't leave us hanging. why all cash?

Goddamn hookers on the train

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u/shadowscar00 avatar

Go and find out, or message me bc spoilers if you don't plan on ever going

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The train sounds interesting......

For those driving I'll make a suggestion on seeing the Grand Canyon. Don't go up via the south entrance but instead enter in via the east entrance. The views driving along the east entrance are just better than the more popular south.

Definitely spend a night on the south rim and do breakfast in the El Tovar hotel.

We heard the elk bugleing at the east entrance

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u/ThorsChonies avatar

Uh, good luck with restaurant but I don't think you'll be going anywhere, anytime soon haha. Thats a tough business.

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If what you say is true, then the first to see Valles Marineris have no fucking idea what their in for.

u/AtnertheFox avatar

bus stops at canyon


u/bobbyfitzpatrick avatar

Don't want to kill a beautiful moment here, but even though this has been the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen in my life, I thought the Grand Canyon to be a bit monotonous at times. Don't get me wrong, it's still one of the most ultimate experiences I've ever had and it was overwhelming for me and my girlfriend too. It's just that after a couple of hours of strolling around and hiking, we felt like we'd seen enough to get the gist of it. I do have to say that we came from Zion Park and Bryce Canyon earlier that week. These two babies left a bigger impression on us than GC. Nevertheless, still one of the most amazing things I've ever witnessed so far.


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I visited GC, Zion, Bryce on the same trip too, and GCNP was by far the most "boring" one. Problem is it's too "grand", and your views don't change if you hike down there (we took bright angle down to past the 3 mile house, half way between that and Indian Basin) and what you saw remain pretty much the same. Not to mention the color doesn't change at all. After a while, I did appreciate how big it is, but that was about it. You don't really have that problem with either Zion, Bryce, Arches or Canyonland imo, since your views are constantly changing.

And honestly I think Moab offers better and more accessible hikes. GC is grossly overrated by the people who just stand on either the south or north rim and look down and say wow. The only way one can truly see the beauty is to take a backcountry backpacking tour, which can easily kill you unless you are an extremely experienced hiker.

I then went back again with my dad, and we visited Death Valley, Yosemite, Joshua's tree and GC. And he thought GC was the most bland out of those NPs.

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u/jadraxx avatar

Even flying over it blows your mind.

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I saw it as a teenager twice. The first time, there was a dense fog covering the entire canyon. You couldn't see more than a few yards down. It was eerie but extremely cool because it felt like an endless pit. The next day, my family went back and the fog had cleared. The sheer size and depth is almost too much to comprehend. I'm very afraid of height so my nerves were on edge. Truly an amazing sight.

Another incredible place to visit is the Hoover Dam. Pictures from textbooks can't do it justice.


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Seeing it from the bridge that overlooks the Dam will make you realize just what an undertaking it really was back in the day. I suppose that's true for most of the famous sites and creations.

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I've been a couple of times with my dad. We're both afraid of heights. The second time, we got out of the car, walked over to a few feet back from the rim, said "wow, that's beautiful and terrifying. Let's get back in the car." 10/10 would recommend visiting.

u/EvanSei avatar

I went last week. It's fantastic. If you can, hike down into the canyon. Don't have to go all the way or anything. A few miles is enough to "get it." If you have time, the rim hike (15 miles) is also well worth it.

Pictures like this are a lot cooler after going because, ya know, you've actually been there.

u/FreakInThePen avatar

I did the Havasu Falls hike this past summer. Pretty incredible experience, way worth the longer hike in.

u/bobbyfitzpatrick avatar

I read about that recently. Was the water really as emerald blue as Internet pictures show? Seems like an amazing spot to chill.

u/eman88 avatar

Yes, the water is very vivid blue. No, it is not artificial coloring like that other guy claimed.

Not exactly. they add some dye, food coloring really, upstream about a quarter mile at the water treatment plant which feeds into havasu falls. You"re basically swimming in treated sewage. In the winter the water is not treated, but the coloring is added all year long.

You're an idiot and none of this is true.

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u/bobbyfitzpatrick avatar

Wow, so enlightening.

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u/fakeyes avatar

Flew over it one time and even that far removed its stunningly expansive.

Drove there from Houston last summer with my now fiancee. It was a one of a kind trip, something you don't think is that beautiful until you see it in person.

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pic info: f=14, s=.25, iso=100 (single exposure)

trail info: West Rim trail .25 miles east of the Bright Angel trailhead

my info: my website | my instagram | my flickr | my 500px

Holy shit, you take amazing pictures! But none of the sites will let me download full resolution.. or is there a way?


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You the man! My desktop is gonna have so many new backgrounds!

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Went down SK then back up BA in the same day. I wann do it again!

I too was there! Down SK and up BA in the same day. Loved every minute of it.


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u/alyssasaccount avatar

Single exposure? Must have had some pretty heavy post-processing to make the canyon anything but black.


Don't underestimate the amount of detail in a raw file. Post was basic dodge and burn.

u/Embryonico avatar

Sorry, I'm just getting into post production...what exactly does that mean?


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u/2Sp00kyAndN0ped avatar

I believe you mean 8=D~

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u/alyssasaccount avatar

That's actually what I meant -- like, pretty heavy on the dodge for the canyon and/or burn for the sky. You settings seem like a balance between what would be optimal for the sky and the canyon, so I guess both.

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u/mountaincyclops avatar

Is this by the abyss? Or out on one of the points?

u/DontPanic2000 avatar

Whoa I think I recognize this part! Just went there for first time over spring break and hiked the bright angel trail. Awesome picture!


so beautiful. i was just there two weeks ago (looks like hopi or powell point?), its impossible to describe the canyons beauty.

u/gimpwiz avatar

Single exposure? The canyon is far too bright compared to the sun. Either your post process is magic or this is two exposures (or more).


This is one exposure. Nothing is composited, just lots of dodge and burn.

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u/torpedo_lagoon avatar

the grand canyon is proof that god wants us to be geologists

My father, brother and I took a sixteen day trip down the river, in dories, through the canyon from Glen Canyon dam to Lake Meade, with a team largely made up of grad students in geology from University of AZ. Trip of a lifetime. I had my geology epiphany.

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That awkward moment when you realize it's not that grand of a canyon.

u/XykonV avatar

She is grand and she is canyon.

u/Lubbnetobb avatar

Get matching Grand Canyon tattoos. They should read "This friendship is as grand as the canyon." Arizona.

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Commenter above me is a pimp and a philosopher, uptoke him to karma heaven.

A lot of this topic is canyon-related.

u/relaxok avatar

Say what? I've never heard a single person who wasn't utterly amazed by it in person.

u/TheodoreLesley avatar
u/FlyHarvey avatar

Pro-tip: let the joke live a little longer before you end it...ASS!

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Underrated needs more uptokes

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Stunning. I was there this Feb. Standing in the majesty of nature is truly humbling.

u/jmvirish avatar

I commend all of you who take and post these beautiful pix on Reddit. You make me feel good with every one. Thank you!

u/Zaroun avatar

It's so beautiful, look like another planet

u/derdkp avatar

Was just there. Was a mind fuck for sure.


Illuminati confirmed!

u/RestInThee avatar

Mordor... I hope the others find a safer road.

Nice pic but overuse of the clarity slider.



No. I'm just not a part of the "everything is amazing"-crowd.

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u/geacps2 avatar

holy shit,

this is so horribly over-saturated it could be a bing cover

u/I17BestHighway avatar

It kinda loses all of it's natural coloring when you saturate the hell out of AZ pics

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u/tommy210 avatar

This picture is breathtaking.

u/Drakmanka avatar

This is why I love EarthPorn.



u/Fi_is_too_much avatar

Aww my birthday. Best day of the year :)

Sadly not going to be the stock background for the new macOS because macOS GrandCanyon sounds too bulky


nice shot

u/shifttoengage avatar

Did you edit this at all or this stock? Beautiful shot!

u/Woodxwisdom avatar

That has to be the greatest picture ive seen in a while

I will see this with my own eyes one day

Isn't this where Aang fought his final battle with the fire lord?

u/DramaticAsFuck avatar


u/Bingodoe avatar

wow, i have never seen such a beautiful view


My first thought was to glide down and look for shrines, I think I've been playing too much zelda.

u/yourgirlhasherpeez avatar

Who wants to go?? ;)

u/limoto avatar

and National Parks are getting defunded... :(

u/Boner_Forest avatar

Too much Photoshop

Did you use a grad while shooting or did you use it in post?

Is this Pima Point? Was there just a few weeks ago.

Is the sunset on the Summer Solstice any different from a normal sunset?

u/jennatheone avatar

Must-see place for me for the coming summer!

u/ispeakmillenial avatar

Damn, is that like the latest mod for ARMA 3? You must have a shit ton of cash for those highend GPUs. My ma only sprang for those CUDA cores if I could keep it out of detention this year, but then after I got posted for vapin it in HR I'm still stuck with this Radeon shit. I'm all like, this can't be for real, but it is...which means my polygon count is totally not for real. But I'll totally like use those GPUs for charity if s1 could paypal me like $999.

You should have seen the place about a week ago after that crazy snow storm they got.

u/rdvn avatar

Sunset watching is my best activity. Especially in southeast asia!

u/Walter-li avatar

went there last year,but didnt see it……too windy

It's actually a nuke exploding

u/Woo_0101_0011_0011 avatar

It always amazes me that no matter how gorgeous and breathtaking a picture may be, they still don't do it justice compared to seeing it in real life

u/Giddy4viddy avatar

Beautiful pic. Other than those trees in front there's not a single bit of vegetation in site, just rock for miles! Probably very few animals there too then, I guess.

u/angelababywholesale avatar

It's lovely view


I'm generally fed up with Grand Canyon pictures, but damn this is a stunning shot.

I can't spot the helicopter for the life of me...

u/xMoonlightx avatar


u/bluelobstah avatar

God was here.

u/shailee_prajapati333 avatar

Wow!This is breathtaking!

Oh My Gods! Breathtaking.

u/thinkofanamefast avatar

Does that file open slowly for dramatic effect, or is this a couple of gigabyte in size?

I went there about a year and a half ago. I wasn't sure what to expect prior to arriving. Now that I've been there all I can tell people is that you have to go there to really understand. It's just amazing to see the GC in person. No matter how good the picture is (and this one is stunning) the real thing is so much more, beyond words.


The first time I walked up to the South Rim, I just stood there thinking: "This looks like a desktop wallpaper. This can't be real."

u/teodorachetan avatar

I could stare into that sunset for ages... and looking at the picture, I have that feeling of actually being there. Very nice!


What type of specs for the camera, OP?



Now I know where the Arizona flag was inspired from.

We were fresh out of high school when a friend and myself decided on a cross country road trip which began in New York City. Several days later we arrived at the northern rim of The Grand Canyon, however it was in the middle of the night and couldn't see a single thing other than the parking lot street lights, stars and blackness. So, we parked the car and tucked ourselves in for the evening. The moment we woke was undoubtedly one of the most memorable moments of my life. To wake to that view was absolutely breathtaking!


Which point was this? I was here last week. The best was Navajo point.

u/jbinkley-95 avatar

Honestly I may put this as my wall paper, if you took this photo OP, well done.

u/ScoopDat avatar

Red Dead Redemption 2 screenshots leaked?

Where is the avatar, the last Airbender? Need to defeat the fire nation army.

Is this from the Desert View tower? I just got engaged at the GC a few weeks ago and it was beautiful!

u/chosetochoose avatar

Wow, beautiful shot!

The Grand Canyon is something I'd tell everyone go see once.

u/Technuts1 avatar

That's an amazing photo. The subtlety of the soft colors


u/Acabelly avatar

I just made this my desktop. It's amazing.


i was convinced this was my stock background on my mac for a sec lol

u/adambombz avatar

Wow what a beaut

Wow thanks.

u/HsalpstruC avatar

this is photography at its best

u/roaringpenguin avatar

Absolutely breathtaking.

u/XxXtrpstrXxX avatar

South rim?

u/gedwardsmut15 avatar

The Grand Canyon is one of the most beautiful places in all of the Earth to visit and I recommend people visit because it is so much more beautiful in person and 100% worth the traveling.

u/h2okopf avatar

i was there last week. exactly at this spot. very beautiful. picture is nice but is that a bit of over saturation?

u/4_skarby avatar

Do you know how to get to this spot?


Yes, yes it is. Not a bad thing, makes it look extra pretty, but.. Yeah.

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u/Mutatiion avatar

Thank you for not stating in the title that you walked 7 days and nights without water and had to battle a group of coyotes to take this picture (unlike some do)

u/pirate35 avatar




This person said nohomo. It means they are trying to prove they aren't gay after saying something that probably sounded gay.

Bleep bloop. I'm a bot.

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u/Plugthegamey avatar


u/yigsstarhouse avatar

Simply Stunning

Was expecting a photoshopped picture of Ron Jeremy fucking a map of Africa