Though leavening products like baking soda and baking powder don’t technically expire, they can lose their effectiveness over time once they’ve been opened. Baking soda will usually still be good up to 3 years after being opened, and indefinitely if unopened. The sell-by or use-by date on a baking soda package can help you tell if it's still usable. However, sometimes baking soda lasts longer than the sell-by date. You can test baking soda with vinegar to see if it is still usable.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Testing Baking Soda for Freshness

  1. 1
    Consult the sell-by/use-by date. Baking soda does not actually spoil like other foods. When it gets old, however, it loses some of its strength and may no longer work as a leavening agent.[1] To get a general sense of whether your baking soda is still good, look for the sell-by or use-by date on the package. Baking soda tends to work best when used before this date.[2]
    • Baking soda does not have an expiration date listed on the package, as it has an indefinite shelf life. Do not look for an expiration date on baking soda, as you cannot find one.
    • You may still be able to use baking soda past the sell-by or use-by date, as these are just rough estimates. You can use vinegar to test your baking soda's freshness if the use-by or sell-by date has passed.
  2. Add roughly three tablespoons of vinegar to a small container. You will be adding baking soda to the vinegar to see if it fizzles. Make sure to choose a bigger container. If the vinegar fizzles, you do not want it to spill on your counter.[3]
    • A measuring cup or mixing bowl works well for this test.[4]
  3. You’ll only need to add about a quarter teaspoon of baking soda to the acid to find out whether it’s still good. Dump in all your baking soda into the vinegar.[5]
  4. Fresh baking soda will begin to bubble and froth as soon as it comes into contact with the vinegar. If it bubbles slowly or not at all, the baking soda is no longer fresh.[6]
    • If there’s any doubt about whether or not a particular batch of baking soda is still good, it’s usually safest just to pick up a fresh package.
  5. 5
    Use baking soda up to 3 years after you open it. If your baking soda passes the vinegar test, estimate its shelf life. Unopened baking soda lasts indefinitely, but once you open your baking soda it will start to lose its strength.[7] Most baking sodas last around three years after being opened.
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Storing Baking Soda Properly

  1. Baking soda should be stored somewhere with a mild, consistent temperature. A normal pantry or cupboard is the best option, but it may also be okay in a covered jar on the countertop. Excess heat or cold or drastic changes in temperature can weaken baking soda.[8]
    • Store your baking soda away from the oven, stovetop or broiler.
  2. Baking soda starts to lose power as soon as it's opened. Do not open baking soda prematurely. Keep the container sealed until it's necessary to use your baking soda.[9]
    • After opening your baking soda, consider transferring it to another lidded container such as a condiment jar or piece of Tupperware. This will protect it from exposure and let you get more use out of it.[10]
  3. Steamy kitchens or humid earthen cellars are not the best environment for baking soda. To prevent moisture from ruining your baking soda, keep it covered and store it a safe distance away from sinks and other water sources.[11]
    • Measure out the baking soda you need for a given recipe, then put the package away rather than leaving it to sit out.
    • Clumping is a clear sign that moisture has ruined your baking soda. Clumped baking soda should be replaced.

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  • Don’t confuse baking soda for baking powder, which is a separate leavening agent with an entirely different set of properties.
  • It’s not recommended that you store baking soda in the refrigerator, as the cold air being pumped in contains moisture that cause it to go bad faster. However, baking soda can absorb odor. If your kitchen has a bad smell, place a small amount of baking soda in a jar in the fridge.
  • Baking soda absorbs odors, so create space between it and other more fragrant items to keep them from influencing the finished flavor of a dish.
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Things You'll Need

  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Large open container
  • Measuring spoons
  • Airtight storage container (optional)

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6 votes - 83%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: April 6, 2019
Views: 26,717
Article SummaryX

If you need to know if baking soda is still good, start by checking the package for a sell-by or use-by date. If you don't have the packaging, try testing the baking soda's freshness with white vinegar. Pour a few tablespoons of the vinegar into a large mixing bowl, then shake a little of the baking soda on top of it. Fresh baking soda will bubble and froth as soon as it comes into contact with the vinegar. If it bubbles slowly or not at all, the baking soda is no longer fresh. If you want to learn how to store baking soda properly, keep reading the article!

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