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4 Useful Tips from Experienced Free Texas Holdem Practitioners

  • Published Date January 31, 2018
  • By Admin

If you enjoy card games, then there’s a very strong chance that enjoy playing poker. Whether you play free Texas Holdem online, or if you enjoy sitting around the poker table with your buddies, there are plenty of ways of playing this awesome game. If you, by your own admission, suck at poker, or if you’re a beginner, you must first familiarize yourself with the poker rules of the game you are playing. You may also wish to watch a poker tutorial video online to help brush up on the basics. But what else can you do? Well, you could sit down and read this article, as we are now going to be looking at 4 useful tips from experienced free Texas Holdem practitioners, to help make you a better poker player.

Don’t try to play every hand – First off, in poker, the hand that you hold is so important, as the stronger the hand, the more likely you are to win. We aren’t going to go through the different hands with you right now, as that would take far too long. What we would say however, is that you watch some poker tutorial videos and read up on poker hands and what constitutes as a strong hand, and what is classed as a weak hand. When playing free Texas Holdem as a beginner, it’s vital that you don’t try playing every hand. A lot of newbies think that they have to play every hand no matter what, but that is a recipe for an early exit. If your hand is weak at the start, don’t be afraid to fold. Remember, in poker, patience is a virtue.

Study your opponents – If you are playing at a poker table, or with your buddies, you will be seated with other poker players, so you can study them in person. If however, you are playing free Texas Holdem online, you can still study your opponents. Study how they act. For example, if they are notorious for bluffing, this tells you that they don’t always have a strong hand. If they fold easily, this tells you that they are either a very smart player, or that they’re overly cautious. Either way, you can use this info to your advantage.

Only bluff when necessary – A lot of Texas Holdem players seem to think that bluffing makes them a better player and will therefore bluff for the sake of bluffing. If you bluff too often, other players will pick up on this (remember what we just talked about) and therefore this strategy is less likely to be effective. Unless the situation calls for a bluff, ideally you should simply fold if your hand is weak.

Be patient and have fun – Texas Holdem is a long-winded game that is not likely to be over quickly. Therefore, you need to be patient and you must bide your time. Don’t just rush into a game with the aim of winning ASAP, be patient, study others, take your time, and enjoy the game.  
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