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Voxy provides truly personalized English language instruction to corporations, educational institutions, and governments across the globe. Based on more than 30 years of academic research, Voxy’s solution meets the needs of each user by combining patented technology that adapts lessons in real-time with personalized live instruction all delivered

in a fully mobile experience.

Launched in 2010, it has been used by millions of learners and hundreds of institutions in over 50 different countries. Voxy’s innovative approach has been recognized by major media outlets including The New York Times, Forbes, and CNN. Backed by leading investors in education technology, Voxy is headquartered in New York City and has an office in São Paulo.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Voxy's headquarters? Voxy is located in New York, New York, United States.Who invested in Voxy? Voxy has 17 investors including Espresso Capital and GSV Ventures.How much funding has Voxy raised to date? Voxy has raised .When was the last funding round for Voxy? Voxy closed its last funding round on Jun 14, 2022 from a Debt Financing round.Who are Voxy's competitors? Alternatives and possible competitors to Voxy may include Babbelbusuu, and Moodle.