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33 Surreal Places In Newfoundland And Labrador You Won’t Believe Really Exist

You have to visit these spots!

Newfoundland and Labrador is home to 13 provincial parks, 3 national parks, and 4 UNESCO world heritage sites, making it indisputably one of the most beautiful provinces in Canada.  One only has to see pictures of the view from Signal Hill, or hike The East Coast Trail to agree!

We put together a list of 33 natural wonders spread all throughout Newfoundland and Labrador that you have to check out on your next visit to The Rock.  There are so many beautiful spots around the province, but this group stands out for their ocean views and unique landscapes.  Take a look at these epic pictures below!

Gros Morne National Park

Signal Hill

Skerwink Trail

Cape Spear

L'Anse Aux Meadows National Historic Site

Cape Bonavista

East Coast Trail

Rocky Harbour

Long Point

The Tablelands

Part of Gros Morne National Park

Quidi Vidi

Pouch Cove

Dungeon Provincial Park

Bonne Bay

Elliston Puffin Site

Arches Provincial Park

Bay Du Nord Wilderness Reserve


Torngat Mountains

Mistaken Point

Grand Falls

Castle Hill

Port au Choix

Bay Roberts

Cobb’s Pond Rotary Park


Battle Harbour

Fogo Island

Tors Cove

Avalon Peninsula

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