Feel the Burn! 7 Ways to Work Your Body With Squats
Squats — you love 'em, you hate 'em, or you love to hate 'em. In any case, they are a simple, effective, and versatile move to have in your workout arsenal. Squats work your entire lower body: calves, hamstrings, glutes, quads, and lower back. They help prevent injuries caused by imbalance or overuse, and they also help with your balance. Whether you are new to the squat world or are bored with your normal workout, here are seven squat variations to add to your routine.
Related: Try our 30-Day Squat Challenge
Mastering the Basic Squat
Before branching out, take time to learn how to perform a basic squat correctly. When you squat, pretend you are sitting in a chair, and remember to keep your weight in your heels.
- Place your feet shoulder width apart or slightly wider. Hold your hands at chest level or behind your head for balance.
- Bend at your knees and hips, sticking your butt out like you're sitting into an imaginary chair. Keep your chest lifted and your spine in neutral. Do not let your lower back round as you squat.
- Lower down so your thighs are as parallel to the floor as possible, keeping your knees over your ankles.
- Keep your core engaged as you press your heels into the floor to return to standing.
- Do two to three sets of 15 squats.
Basic Dumbbell Squat
Now that you've got your basic form down, it's time to add some weights to your squat. This basic dumbbell squat will work your core while challenging your balance.
- Stand with your feet hip distance apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand directly over your shoulders. Start with a five-pound weight, and work your way up from there.
- Bend your knees while keeping all the weight in your heels. Don't let your knees move beyond your toes or your knees roll out or in.
- Press through your heels, and straighten your legs to return to standing. Make sure to keep your spine neutral. Do not round your back.
- Do two to three sets of 15 squats.
Goblet Squats
This deep squat will target your thighs and hips. Once you master this deep squat, try holding a dumbbell or kettlebell for an added challenge.
- Start standing with your feet wider than shoulder width. With your back slightly arched, push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor and your elbows touch your knees.
- With your weight focused in your heels, push yourself up to the starting position. Challenge yourself even more by adding a weight.
- Do two sets of 15 reps.
Squat With Overhead Press
Here's a multitasking move that will sculpt your bottom and give you shapely shoulders, too!
- Stand with your feet hip distance apart with a dumbbell at each foot.
- Squat down, and grab the right dumbbell with your right hand.
- Breathe out as you stand up, pressing the dumbbell into an overhead press.
- Inhale to lower your right arm, squatting down, and returning the dumbbell to the floor.
- Stay low, and grab the dumbbell on the other side with your left hand.
- Exhale as you rise up, pressing your left hand overhead.
- Inhale to squat, and release the dumbbell back to the floor.
- This counts as one rep. This movement should be fluid, focusing on correct squat form by keeping the thighs parallel and your bodyweight back into the heels.
- Complete two sets of 15 reps.
Sumo Squat
Widening your legs as you do in the sumo squat (aka plié squat) helps you work your glutes even more. Raise the bar by adding arm-sculpting bicep curls.
- Stand with your feet wide, toes pointing out. Hold your hands comfortably in front of your chest, and bend your knees, lowering your hips deeply so your thighs are parallel with the floor. Make sure to keep your weight back in your heels.
- Then rise back up, straightening the legs completely, squeezing the glutes at the top of the movement to get the most out of the exercise.
- This counts as one rep. Do two sets of 15 reps.
Deep Squat With Weights
Try this wide squat, and you'll feel a burn in no time. The addition of a heavy weight increases the challenge so you can tone up quicker.
- With a set of dumbbells on the ground, start standing with your feet wide and your back slightly arched.
- Push your hips back to lower to a deep squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
- Without rounding your spine, grab the weights keeping your weight in your heels, straighten your knees, and come to a standing position.
- Lower back down until the weights touch the floor. This counts as one rep.
- Do two sets of 10 reps.
Jumping Side Squats
Things get more challenging when you're on top of a Bosu ball. This move will challenge your core, lower body, and sense of balance. It's a great combination of squats and cardio, too!
- Place your left foot in the center of the Bosu with your right foot parallel to your left on the floor. Bend down into a squat position, clasping your hands in front of you for balance.
- In one quick motion, jump sideways to your left, over the Bosu, so your right foot replaces your left in the center of the Bosu. Your left foot should be parallel to your right but on the floor. Keep your body low in a squat as you plant your foot on the ground. Jump back over the Bosu, returning to the starting position. This completes one rep.
- Do two sets of 10 reps.