Taser, the company whose electronic stun guns have become a household name, is now offering a groundbreaking deal to all American law enforcement: free body cameras and a year’s worth of access to the company’s cloud storage service, Evidence.com.
In addition, on Wednesday, the company also announced that it would be changing its name to “Axon” to reflect the company’s flagship body camera product.
Right now, Axon is the single largest vendor of body cameras in America. It vastly outsells smaller competitors, including VieVu and Digital Ally—the company has profited $90 million from 2012 through 2016.
If the move is successful, Axon could quickly crowd out its rivals entirely. In recent years, federal dollars went to police agencies both big (Los Angeles) and small (Village of Spring Valley, New York), encouraging the purchase of body-worn cameras. However, while cameras are rapidly spreading across America, they are still not ubiquitous yet. Axon wants to change that.
“Only 20 percent [of cops] have a camera,” Rick Smith, the company’s CEO, told Ars. “Eighty percent are going out with a gun and no camera. We only need 20- to 30-percent conversion to make it profitable,” he added. “We expect 80 percent to become customers.”
Moving along
Smith also explained that, in recent years, police have been under particular scrutiny.
“We have protests happening against the police on a pretty regular basis,” he said.
Much of that tension has been heightened since August 2014, when Michael Brown, an unarmed, 18-year-old black man in Ferguson, Missouri, was shot and killed by a local cop. Crucially, the Ferguson Police Department did not have body cameras at the time. There was no definitive recording of the event. In the wake of Ferguson and the increased scrutiny it inspired nationwide, the White House announced a three-year $263 million grant program for local law enforcement body-cameras on December 1, 2014.