It can be challenging to cope with all of the side effects of Alprazolam. Alprazolam is used to treat anxiety and panic-related disorders, as well as anxiety caused by depression. It is almost always used for short-term treatment, due to a high risk of addiction, serious interactions with other medications, and serious side effects. This drug has numerous side effects that range from sleep-related disorders to mood and appetite problems. Track your side effects in a health journal and cope with side effects by altering your diet, changing your routines and talking to your doctor.[1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Dealing with Immediate Side Effects

  1. If you are experiencing any side effects or an addiction to Alprazolam, you should contact your doctor immediately. Your doctor may be able to make adjustments to your treatment plan or otherwise help you deal with side effects.[2]
    • Remember that Alprazolam (or any drug in the benzodiazepine category) is intended for very short-term use and should never be stopped abruptly. Alprazolam can be habit-forming, and you can quickly develop a tolerance for the drug, meaning you need higher doses to feel any effect.
    • A small percentage of people are recommended to take Alprazolam as part of a regular treatment regimen. If this is the case, you and your doctor should carefully monitor for increased tolerance, interactions with other medications, and any side effects.
  2. You should start a health journal, such as a paper journal or a file on your personal computer or device. Keeping a health journal can help you track the medications you are taking to manage your anxiety or panic disorder. It can also help you monitor any immediate side effects from Alprazolam, as well as communicate these side effects to your doctor.[3]
    • Side effects include impaired memory, drowsiness, forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, difficulty speaking, slurred speech, loss of interest or pleasure, depression, weakness, trouble performing routine tasks, difficulty with coordination and muscle control, lack of appetite, and more.[4]
  3. Although you may experience a loss of appetite, dry mouth, nausea or an upset stomach during the course of your treatment, you should remember to eat. Eat regular small meals. Avoid larger meals that could worsen these side effects.[5]
    • You should try to eat four to five small meals a day.
    • You should eat a balanced diet that includes a good mix of fruits and vegetables, healthy grains, fiber, and protein.[6]
    • Try to eat at least five fruits and vegetables a day.[7]
    • Avoid eating too much saturated fat and sugar.[8]
    • Make sure you are getting enough protein, such as beans, pulses, fish, meat and eggs.[9]
  4. Try eating more beans, nuts, whole grains and vegetables. You should look for foods that have a lot of antioxidants such as fresh fruits and vegetables. You should also remember to eat a solid breakfast and incorporate healthy snacks into your routine. Try integrating more of the following superfoods into your diet to increase your energy:[10]
    • Almonds
    • Avocado
    • Quinoa
    • Flax seeds
    • Dates
    • Seaweed
    • Berries
    • Edamame
  5. If you are experiencing a loss of libido since going on Alprazolam, you should make sure you are getting plenty of exercise, staying hydrated and eating a balanced diet. In particular, make sure you are getting enough vitamin C, iron, collagen-rich foods, and using spices like nutmeg in your cooking. Consider integrating more of the following foods into your diet:
    • Sweet potatoes
    • Dark chocolate
    • Watermelon
    • Nutmeg and clove
    • Brazil nuts
    • Almonds
    • If diet and exercise don’t work, you should ask your doctor about treatment options.
  6. Your slurred speech could be caused by an overactive mind and your anxiety or by the muscle relaxant effects of Alprazolam. Start by telling your doctor, so they can take this side effect into consideration in your treatment plan.[11]
    • When you get the slurred speech, avoid forcing the words out. Forcing yourself to speak will add stress. Relax and speak when you are ready.[12]
  7. Although Alprazolam is sometimes used to treat insomnia, it can sometimes cause rebound insomnia. If you take Alprazolam at night or are getting off the drug, you may experience rebound insomnia. To manage your rebound insomnia, you should set a regular bedtime and avoid all screens before going to sleep. Ensure you have a good sleeping environment, including a comfortable mattress and temperature in your bedroom. In addition, you could try the following tips:[13]
    • Read by candlelight before going to sleep.
    • Write in your journal before going to sleep.
    • Turn off all of the lights in your room.
    • Use aromatherapy such as lavender scents.
  8. If you have any of the rare side effects, you should seek immediate medical attention. For instance, seek medical attention if you have rare side effects such as chest pain or suicidal thoughts. Remember to document rare side effects in your health journal. Rare side effects include, but are not limited to, the following:[14]
    • Chest pain
    • Ear pain
    • Decreased awareness
    • Loss of hearing
    • Slowing down of mental activity
    • Inability to control your legs
    • Complete loss of energy
    • Talking in your sleep
    • Changes in your voice
    • Suicidal thoughts
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Coping with Cognitive Side Effects

  1. If you experience any depression while on Alprazolam, you should talk to your doctor about altering your dosage or additional treatment.[15]
    • You should avoid taking other medications alongside the Alprazolam unless otherwise advised by your doctor.
    • You should also avoid drinking any alcohol while on Alprazolam, as these substances tend to worsen your sadness or depression.
    • If you have started taking Alprazolam recreationally to enhance the experience of other drugs or alcohol, you should tell your doctor. Ask your doctor about drug rehabilitation options.[16]
  2. To deal with forgetfulness from Alprazolam, you should speak to your pharmacist about limiting the course of your treatment over a short time period. In the meantime, you could cope by writing notes to yourself in a device or in a journal, which you could keep with you at all times. If you forget something important, you can just look it up in your device or journal.
  3. One of the most serious long term side effects is aggressive, impulsive and manic behavior. If you feel you are becoming overly hostile, angry, aggressive or manic, you should contact your doctor immediately.[17] You should record these kinds of symptoms in your health journal and consult your doctor about treatment options.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Weaning Yourself Off the Drug

  1. Consider whether you are using more than the prescribed dose. If you suspect you may be addicted to Alprazolam, you should seek immediate medical help.[18] Symptoms of abuse may include problems concentrating, lack of inhibition, dizziness, and depression.[19] To determine whether you are addicted, consider whether you answer yes to any of the following:
    • “Do I have withdrawal symptoms when I don’t take Alprazolam?”
    • “Is my use of Alprazolam negatively impacting my personal relationships?”
    • “Is my desire for Alprazolam uncontrollable?”
  2. You will have to check in with a counsellor a few times a week and follow their recovery guidelines. During the course of your treatment, you will gradually come off the drug and take periodic drug tests.[20]
    • If you choose an outpatient treatment program, you will benefit from a strong family support network to support your recovery.
    • In person or online support groups can also help you recover.
  3. You will have the comfort of medical and psychological support on-hand during your recovery from Alprazolam addiction. You will also have immediate medical support if you experience any side effects during the detoxification process.
    • Inpatient recovery is more expensive than outpatient programs. However, you have the advantage of constant medical support and recovering away from potentially abusive environments.
  4. You will learn how to cope with your relationship to Alprazolam. You will also learn coping strategies for dealing with the stress and anxiety that may have led you to addiction in the first place. This form of therapy may be a part of both inpatient and outpatient programs.[21]
    • You can find a cognitive-behavioral therapist by phoning psychologists in your region and asking whether they use cognitive behavioral therapy.
    • You could ask your family physician for a referral to a psychologist who uses cognitive behavioral therapy.
  5. You should obtain proper treatment for Alprazolam addiction rather than trying to wean yourself off the drug too suddenly or on your own. It is best to obtain professional medical help.[22]
  6. If you are feeling very depressed and suicidal while on Alprazolam, you should phone for help. Ask the helpline counsellor for advice and information on finding treatment for Alprazolam addiction.
    • Call the national hotline of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. They are open all day, every day of the year. They are based in the USA. Call: 1800 662 4357 (HELP).[23]

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  • Alprazolam is highly addictive and should be used in the short-term. Certain people are at higher risk for addiction, such as those with a history of other addictions.

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About this article

Janice Litza, MD
Medically reviewed by:
Board Certified Family Medicine Physician
This article was medically reviewed by Janice Litza, MD. Dr. Litza is a Board Certified Family Medicine Physician based in Racine, Wisconsin. With over 25 years of educational and professional experience, she has extensive experience providing full-spectrum Family Medicine, including obstetrics, newborn care, and hospital medicine. She is currently the Residency Program Director for Family Medicine at Ascension. Dr. Litza received her MD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health and has completed additional fellowship training in Integrative Medicine through the University of Arizona. This article has been viewed 26,241 times.
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Updated: July 12, 2021
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