United just can't catch a break from its terrible, horrible, no good, very bad PR nightmare.
In the past few weeks alone, United Airlines has found itself at the center of numerous controversial stories, the biggest being when it violently removed a passenger from an overbooked flight earlier this week. The incident ignited an outcry across the internet when video surfaced across social media.
The company issued a series of statements following the incident, which didn't exactly come off as apologetic, and the internet, again, roasted them for it. United then released a full apology, but two days later — after the company's stock tanked.
If that apology wasn't enough and you're still pissed at United, someone created a chrome extension, called Drop United, that'll help you continue to boycott the airline. Adding the chrome extension completely removes United as an option when you're searching for flights on Google Search, Google Flights, Kayak, and Expedia. This way, even when you invariably forget about United's terrible behavior, their flights won't even be an option for you.
"Corporations can treat you like shit because you’ll eventually forget you were ever mad," Drop United says on the website. "So the next time you search for a flight United won’t have a seat in your options. Welcome to the United States of Humanity."
Here's what it looks like in action:

You can download Drop United here.