All you can do is the best you can do.

bomberqueen17 on AO3 and Instagram, dragonladyB17 on Twitter, dragonlady7 on Dreamwidth, find me on Dreamwidth mostly

Mar 23
“ threadcraftory:
“As requested, here’s the pattern for My Congressman is a Craven Quisling! Free download at
Hey, look, I got my shit together and put together a website and a mailing list and an Etsy store. STITCH ALL...



As requested, here’s the pattern for My Congressman is a Craven Quisling! Free download at

Hey, look, I got my shit together and put together a website and a mailing list and an Etsy store. STITCH ALL THE THINGS.

(via s-leary)

  1. pragmaticdreamchaser reblogged this from threadcraftory and added:
    I don’t have congress people because, Canada, but this is a thing of beauty.
  2. jamyesterday reblogged this from qcity-blackbird
  3. qcity-blackbird reblogged this from everbright-mourning
  4. imorca reblogged this from subversivegrrl
  5. fractalindigo reblogged this from finnglas
  6. mylordlankin reblogged this from finnglas
  7. specspectacle reblogged this from deathcomes4u
  8. deathcomes4u reblogged this from robotsandfrippary
  9. cyborgtopus reblogged this from dietraumerei
  10. myschoolagenda reblogged this from s-leary
  11. finnglas reblogged this from s-leary and added:
    Oh my god, my Rep is Dave “the women are all in my grill” Brat and I need this, 100%.
  12. notasgeekyasidlike reblogged this from dietraumerei
  13. tomanynames reblogged this from rob-anybody
  14. lizaleigh reblogged this from naiadkitty
  15. dietraumerei reblogged this from s-leary and added:
    HOLY SHIT YOU’RE THE BEST. T.H.E. BEST. I’m popping to the needlework store on Tuesday now :)
  16. veeeens reblogged this from s-leary
  17. s-leary reblogged this from threadcraftory and added:
    Added a page for senators in particular for @zetsubonna, @dietraumerei, and @boogiewoogiebuglegal. Another freebie...
  18. threadcraftory reblogged this from boogiewoogiebuglegal and added:
    As you wish! Download the updated PDF…
  19. naiadkitty reblogged this from rob-anybody
  20. etherviolet reblogged this from everbright-mourning
  21. rob-anybody reblogged this from everbright-mourning