Dukhtaran pay tributes to slain militants



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Paying glowing tributes to the slain militants who were killed in an encounter in Padgampora on March 26, Dukhtaran-e-Millat chairperson, Aasiya Andrabi on Monday reiterated that the resistance and the militant leadership must seriously identify the causes that are leading to so many casualties in the militant ranks.

“Every now and then we have to suffer losses as our children are being killed by the forces of India. It is high time that the militant and the resistance leadership take a unanimous stand and make serious efforts to identify the causes and reasons that are leading to so many casualties within the ranks of our militants,” Andrabi said in a statement.

Aasiyeh Andrabi

She said that scores of militants were killed since the past one month and it was imperative to know how the occupying forces were successfully tracking them down.

Andrabi, while paying tributes to the two militants who were killed in Padgampora, said that Rayees Ahmad Wani was a brave “Mujahid”.

“He was once arrested but he managed to flee and once again joined the path of Jihad. He was very determined, dedicated and a brave child of Kashmir,” she said.

She said that the continuous martyrdom of Kashmiri children will ultimately lead to India’s destruction. “The blood of our children won’t go waste. Insha Allah, India will leave Kashmir one day,” she said.


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